
Concerning fruit

Advice: If ever in doubt about summertime food, throw on some fresh fruit. It’s like the little black dress—always tasteful. Plus it’s more crazy gorgeous than anything you can possibly create. I love how Jesus unites such lush color and flavor and texture. You can layer fresh fruit atop cakes, cookies, cheesecakes, or salads. For use

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Confession: I’m so happy to have my son Aarick home from school for the summer; it means some super hired help. [evil chuckle] Let the games chores begin. Really though, I’m grateful for more reasons than that. I find it delightful having a son old enough to crack jokes, carry on near-adult conversations, and work

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Confession: I’ve never met so many beautiful, polite, and tastefully-dressed people in my life. Charlottesville is a lovely town. This is me and me mum having caramel Café Au Lait on the Downtown Mall. I called it caffe ow late, but the barista never blinked. In my town I say sir and ma’am when the

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Spring fever

Pharaoh is the handsome, regal type: bushy and sullen, the kind that dominates by silence. Munchkin is the nice guy: clean, likeable, affectionate, the kind that takes his dates for walks in the moonlight. Both are gone more often than not these days, slinking home exhausted and mangy in the wee hours of the morning.

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