If wishes were horses

Confession: Last night I dreamed that the robins were back, and I thought them the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen.

Winter has lasted too long.

I need some spring air or a large…


I know what I’m thinkin.

kelly at starbucks

What do you wish for this dreary day?


*****Update: NEWS FLASH *****

You won’t believe what showed up at my door an hour after I posted this.

Beggars would ride, no joke. I have a very kind mother… and I gotta say Tim Horton’s English Toffee is the ultimate in spring fever reducer.


What do you wish for this dreary day? Caution: it may show up.

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11 years ago

Well. You missed a good chance this morning. 😉
I was thinking ‘large latte’ when I talked to you.
Busy women sometimes just have to say ‘no’.

11 years ago

I was wishing my hubby would take a sick day and baby himself a little. When I called him to see how he was doing, he was wishing he was home in bed, he was sitting in his truck, etc, etc… then I looked out the window– there he is, chatting on his cellphone with me. Wishes do come true sometimes!

GrandmaKitty Brown
11 years ago

You do have a very kind mother… one of the best in the world! 🙂

11 years ago

I’d wish for a coffee, but my pessimistic mind knows it’s no use.

11 years ago

I stand corrected. You have a very kind mother and I have a very kind sister. Oh, my mother is kind, too, but the coffee comes from my sister. Thanks! Jemima Puddleduck, you know who you are!

Joanna Yoder
11 years ago

I wish that I wouldn’t have discovered the flood in our basement today!

11 years ago

I love your edit. 🙂 🙂
(Fabulous Mother Indeed!)

11 years ago

I wish to go to the beach or the mountains or a secluded, sunny park where I can just let my children run and play while I sit and enjoy the beauty, and do some running and playing with them, and just let the out doors and beauty and the Creator of it all soak into my soul. Somewhere far from town and people with the emphasis on secluded…and sunny. 😉

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