Out and about


Confession: I would have had fun saying yes. But I said no. What an opportunity it would have been to enter another world, to learn and discover, to gain power and experience, to meet new people and ask hundreds of questions. But I said no. I would not have liked the immersion into human pain

Summoned Read More »


Confession: And I remembered today’s fellowship meal at exactly 7:46 am. This is way beyond cute now, far out into the ridiculous camp. I think I’m living life like the butcher who backed up into his meat grinder and got a little behind in his work. Did you know it is possible to take a

Potluck Read More »


Confession: I am tired. Our family just came through a week of participating in vacation Bible school for city kids of Meadville. Ryan taught a class of eleven-and-up boys, I taught a class of seven-year-olds, and our kids sat in classes too. Mostly mine. Some nights Kelly insisted on being held while I told the

Weakness Read More »


I love, love written words The song and dance Shield and lance Written words are powerful Spoken ones scare me   Spoken words creep out unknown Pop out fast, can’t return Spoken words are Shari when her guard is down   Spoken words are funny things Come out quirky, trailing strings or straggle into mishmash

Words Read More »

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