Out and about

How are you?

Confession: I have never understood our solicitous obsession with enquiring about each other’s state of being. It’s always the first thing we ask: “How are you?” The tone changes; the words never do. I say it as often as anybody, but I think it a peculiar piece of civility. We ask it in letters; we

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Two mites

Confession: My least favorite part of church is taking up the offering. This has nothing to do with how we take it up (into innocent wicker-and-burgundy-felt baskets) or when (slipped between the announcements and the songs), or who or how much or why… No. It’s all about the drama. You see, we give our sons

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Ads & ventures

Confession: I’m discovering unpleasant things about Pandora. I love Pandora. I hate its ads. Yes, I know I could upgrade to ad-free listening for just $9.95 per month! I’ve heard the pitch twenty times; not biting. But get this– When I listen to Kings Singers or High Kings radio, I hear ads for great cars and

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Bisy. Backson.

Where does the title come from? Click here. ***** Confession: When people tell me that the universe is infinite, I don’t know what to say. So I hold my tongue. But it never seemed realistic to me than anything created could be spatially infinite. There are “ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands”

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