Black Friday’s purchases

Hello again, and I hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as mine. I love my extended family and my immediate family and I am a really blessed woman.

Here’s a last minute recommendation for you. In the spring, I wrote about my delightful experience with the book Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter, by Plough Publishing. Today, I bought the sequel, released in 2014 – Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas. I have not previewed this book, but I was amazed by Bread and Wine, and am more than willing to attempt the sequel sight unseen.

If you’d like to join me in reading it, I would have fun comparing notes with you afterward. As usual, I am pushing the eleventh hour with this suggestion. Anyone have Amazon Prime? Grin.

Watch for the Light makes one of two Black Friday purchases for me. The other was this advent calendar, which I am really excited about. We’ll see if it’s nicely made or too cheap. However, with today’s sale price, it seems hard to go wrong on it. I’ve wanted one with drawers for a long time.

I know I dropped off the map for the past two weeks. I am sure you have been lying awake at night wondering why. 🙂 I’ve been experiencing miscellaneous disorienting and reorienting experiences in real life, and I needed time to think. More on that soon.

– Shari

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4 years ago

I too enjoyed Bread and Wine. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the suggestion, although it is only two days until advent!

Regina S
4 years ago

I have been wondering about you but I know you are busy. So post when you have time. Have a great coming week!

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