
A blog? Why yes, I did have one around here somewhereโ€ฆ

Iโ€™ve been sharing my words in other ways this month. Here are some sneaky snippets.

Oct 2: Text to my son Aarick:

You guys doing ok? Heard youโ€™re hanging out in the tornado room. Plz let me know if you can. Love u all. โ€“ Mom

[Yes, there were tornados very near us, and the schools in our county held children until the severe weather alert passed. Horrifying.ย Look it up.]

Oct 5: Snail mail letter to my writer friend S:

I was speaking recently to a friend of mine about realism and idealism in art. She is an illustrator, I am a writer. She said she wrestles with this all the time: how much do we paint life as it is, and how much do we paint it as weโ€™d like it to be? Thomas Kinkade, for example, creates surreal and charming houses (inside which I KNOW everyone is fighting their eyes out) โ€“ but he calls us to peace and a beautiful ideal. In reaction to what weโ€™ve personally seen and experienced, we can go to either extreme: to insist on only the squeaky clean, that fits our model boxes, or to intentionally poke holes in serenity, beauty, and perfection, โ€œbecause thatโ€™s not how the real world is.โ€ Awfully hard to live peacefully in the middle, and perhaps we all slant our work in one direction or the other.

[Thank you, Lana Kuhns.]

Oct 5: Letter to a foster mom L Iโ€™ve never met, for whom I am a prayer warrior:

If you are feeling tired, may the Lord pour out his strength.
If you are empty, may you be filled with His presence.
If you are seeking Him, may He speak directly to you.
If there are specific desires of your heart, may He whisper to the people in your life ways they could meet your need.
If you are joyful, may His love ripple happiness in your heart.
If you are uncertain, may you rest in knowing that He is always, always enough.

L, I bless you with the supernatural power and presence of Jesus.

Oct 8: Email to L at The Dock:

Here is the post on Ways Parents Can Support Teachers, as promised. Unfortunately, I have a recurring problem of digging too deeply into a subject. This one is 1200 words… I apologize.

Oct 8: Email to guest speaker Steven Brubaker:

Thanks again for an inspiring weekend. I was very glad for my own sake as well as my boysโ€™ to hear what you had to say about Anabaptism. Iโ€™ve had a lot of questions about our tradition in recent years, in relation to some of the cautions you referenced. I was glad to hear you address those, while reminding us of our strengths as a people โ€“ which are also real. I am freshly grateful for the gift of belonging here, and more willing to admit who I am without apology.

UPDATE: My friend Anita found recordings of Steven Brubaker speaking on the same subject at a church in Kansas, in March of 2017. If you go to the website for Center Amish Mennonite Church, you’ll find him chronologically in the list, and can listen to the recordings!

Oct 8: Whatโ€™s App message to my sister:

Iโ€™ve been thinking about you too! Wanting to call. I headed to the van soon after dismissal yesterday bcโ€ฆ my son.

Oct 8: Email to Ryan:

Did you get a chance to look at the document? I donโ€™t want to turn it in until I get a clear from you โ€“ on whether itโ€™s arrogant and insufferable hot air.

Oct 10: Email to my friend A:

Iโ€™ve heard lots of other women say they feel like imposters in their own lives, too young/ foolish/ inexperienced for the things that life is throwing at them, and when will people realize theyโ€™re still actually 9 years old, or 19, or whatever โ€“ I feel that too. Is that what you meant?

Oct 11: Email to my friend J:

Last night I attended a fostering training on sex trafficking in our areaโ€ฆ

I have plans once you move here. [wink] Wouldnโ€™t it be great to take this training together, come next fall?? Or! Considering that you will have a masterโ€™s in counseling, they may waive your training, which would mean I should take the training next spring. Hehee. They would LOVE you.

Oct 11: Email to my friend C:

The mini desserts I am planning are individual trifle cups, two flavors. Pumpkin-cappuccino and raspberry-cream-chocolate. Do you have a punch recipe for me?

Oct 11: Snail mail letter to a blog reader:

Thank you for your letter about books, and specifically about Ruth Haley Bartonโ€™s book. I appreciate that you are a woman who cares about truth and goodness. Even more, I appreciate the kind tone of your letter โ€“ it felt caring and considerate instead of intent on being right.

Oct 12: Text to the mom of a former foster child:

It was so amazing to meet up with L and [his TSS] yesterday in the library! L has grown up so much, heโ€™s so handsome and his speech is amazing! โ€ฆ I saw you walking up the sidewalk as I drove away and I bout cried, so bummed to miss you and K.

Oct 12: Text to a gracious hostess cooking up a storm for our arrival โ€“ baked chicken, rabbit, meatloaf, corn pudding, zucchini squash stir fry, stuffing:

Oh my word lady. I like you already.

Oct 12: Snail mail letter to my grandma:

My days are filled with childcare, applesauce (90 quarts canned in the last two days, with the help of my mom and children!), laundry, writing, huge pots of food, and appointments with professionals โ€“ seems like almost every day.

Oct 14: Texts to a birthmother:

I love how you make them feel special and beautiful/handsome.

I know youโ€™re working hard.

We think of you often.

Oct 15: Text to a caseworker:

Hope you are having a great Monday! We are still waiting for the clothing allowance, and waiting to hear that you can arrange transportation for Wed Oct 24. I figure if I become enough of a pain in the rear I can move mountains.

And that is how life goes around here: So many words, and still so much that goes unsaid.

Which snippet sounds like life at your house?




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Linda Stoltzfus
5 years ago

Any chance you could direct me to an online link or a place to purchase recordings for the weekend by Stephen Russel? I felt ‘all ears’ when I read about the topic. ๐Ÿ™‚

Your snippets are delightful!

Linda Stoltzfus
5 years ago

The tornado room one though…that sounds terrifying.

5 years ago

Fascinating peek into your life!

Ruth Anna
5 years ago

Probably you realize this?….but just want to comment on how “life giving” your words are. (Also impressed with how much snail mail you do.?)

Tony and Martha Zook
5 years ago

We can identify with the last one to the social worker. We have a good relationship with our social workers but we’ve already stopped in there to pick up a travel request on our way out of town before we cross the border to head to Dryden.

Regina S
5 years ago

What do snippets sound like life at our home?

Well I don’t have dates and stuff but things for this month thus far like:
Calling doctors to get appts for this and that

Hot yummy coffee in the mornings

Our church hosting a missionary from India and being shocked by the stories of Christians being persecuted

Joyfully received a brand new electric roaster free last week from a friend who won it at a realtor event and didn’t need it. May I say I’ve always wanted one but couldn’t afford one.

Thanking the Lord daily Tim, my husband wasn’t killed in a car accident last month

Getting back into hot tea in the afternoons now that the weather is cooling down.

Tim lit our first fire on Sunday after church because it was cold

That’s my short list of snippets.

I admit that tornado room sounds very scary!

5 years ago

The one to The Boss is very like! I try to make sure my husband reads what I write if I have any doubts about its “air”. Lol

5 years ago

I love this and the snap of your days we get to see. Youโ€™re one busy lady.

Rhonda Yoder
5 years ago

Love the snippets! They sound so “real” (: The stuff related to foster care is especially relevant to what my life is like right now! As I was reading your blog, my daughter, who had just driven half an hour with our foster baby, let me know that the mother didn’t show up for the visit – again!!!!!!!! We’ve tried so hard to support and encourage the mother, which is what it sounds like you do with the families you deal with. I’m not a writer or an illustrator, but I like a good combination of idealism and realism in what I see and read. Not sure that there’s a perfect balance…………Also, I would love to be able to hear the talk on Anabaptism. I wonder if there’s a way I still could somewhere……..

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