Northwestern Pennsylvania Explained

I’m starting a Short Post campaign. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

All the things I have to say just now fit into a few sentences, but while I wait for one to become more Thingish, it rattles on out of my consciousness and another takes its place. So I’m going to share my Short Thoughts as they are, one day at a time, until I run out of Short Things to say.

Have you experienced spring yet, where you live?

Let me tell you about Northwestern Pennsylvania.

Northwestern Pennsylvania is where all the snow that could have come in December, when we were earnestly awaiting the Christmas magic, holds its fire till March, then empties itself on the land. In NW Pennsylvania, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lion, and does a lot of lion things in between too.

And April? Here in NWPA, April comes in like a mild breeze, soft and welcome, just in time for another snowstorm to hit. And then another. The lilacs bud in the snow.

We ask ourselves why we live here, and the reasons we say are, There’s that one perfect week in September…

But we’ve learned not to complain about it. Not at all. We are just grateful for whatever weather the Lord sends.

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Osiah Horst
2 years ago

NWPA is a lot like our part of Eastern Ontario!

2 years ago

Now that sounds like a very lovely place to visit!????

2 years ago

That last paragraph. ????????????‍♀️

2 years ago

Sounds like southern Tennessee!!! I had blooming hyacinths buried in snow on March 12th!! The snow melted and they were as perky as ever! The battle between winter & spring has been unusually long and trying this year but the birds didn’t seem to notice. I’d step out on those chilly, frosty, supposed to be spring mornings and they were singing their hearts out. I was inspired….

2 years ago

This reminds me of a chat-post one of my coworkers shared in mid-April. He had gotten it from a relative in ND where they were having a blizzard: “Due to supply chain issues, your February order of snow has now been delivered. We apologize for any inconvenience.”

I am glad God is in control of our weather, and He has no problem with “supply chain issues,” But that twist on various current circumstances has given me numerous smiles.

2 years ago

I was ready to head for Arizona last week, but then I heard that they are having wild fires.

Michele Walsh
2 years ago

They say it is supposed to snow 3 times after the forsythia blooms… by my count it was 4 storms that snowed on 7 different days! What is up with Spring this year? 🙂

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