Giveaway: Footprints on the Ceiling

Update: As of 11/26/2014, this giveaway is closed.


Dear folks, I’m delighted to announce two things today—

First, Dorcas Smucker is paying a virtual visit to this spot {right here right now} as she makes her rounds on a blog tour, with our own private interview coming right up…

And second, she is giving away an autographed copy of her brand-new book, Footprints on the Ceiling, to one of you!

This is her fifth book. Some of you know

Ordinary Days
Upstairs the Peasants are Revolting
Downstairs the Queen is Knitting
Tea and Trouble Brewing (also available on Kindle)

All are worth your time… now, Footprints on the Ceiling joins the pack.

It’s a collection of stories drawn from real life in an Oregon farmhouse. Dorcas is a pastor-and-teacher’s wife and a mom of six. She writes about daffodils and mysterious spots on the ceiling, yellow teapots and foreign travel, frantic searches through trash cans and the irresistible Christmas Eve kitten (who wouldn’t stop yowling).

What I like about Dorcas is that she’s down to earth. She is at home in her house, her family, her skin; and while she is always interested in learning new things, she doesn’t reinvent herself or pretend to be something she’s not. But the best thing? She believes that all stories should come out right in the end. She blends ripping good humor with real-life wisdom, always set against the backdrop of that firm and quiet optimism.


Today she’s offering a copy of Footprints on the Ceiling for free, to one of you readers. To enter the giveaway, leave a comment, and answer this question for me: What is your favorite book in the world?

(You are not allowed to say “The Bible” unless you really want to be stubborn–in which case be my guest–first, because it is the Ultimate Book: that’s a given and nothing else holds a candle to it; second, because I don’t want you coerced/ guilted into saying it; and third, because you would be missing the point, which is giving book suggestions to each other. Forgive this interruption.)

Dorcas blogs here, at Life in the Shoe. And now, as nearly face-to-face as we can get.

Hi Dorcas. I’m going to pretend we’re chatting over tea… You write a lot about your children. What’s some of the most pure fun you’ve had in mothering?

There’s been a lot of fun but my favorite times are when we’re all in the kitchen, maybe eating, maybe doing dishes, maybe just hanging out, and there’s this snappy, loud, constant, funny conversation going on.  The older they get, the better the conversations get.  I sit back and just listen and smile.  One of my children’s friends said recently, “People don’t have these kinds of conversations at my house.”  So I know how fortunate I am.  Otherwise: there’s that adorable stage at maybe 18 months when they laugh at everything.  And the fun of dressing little girls in matching dresses and going off to church.  And going to visit adult children on their own turf.

Does it get easier or harder as they grow?

I think even the worst adolescent drama is easier than colic, and teenagers learning to drive is easier than getting up three times every night and also chiseling smeared mashed potatoes off the high chair.  However.  When the baby is asleep in his bed you know where he is.  And when the teenager is late coming home and won’t answer his phone, well, there’s no anxiety in the world quite like that. So things change, but the easy/hard question varies so much with each child.  And sadly, you still don’t get much sleep when they’re teenagers, what with midnight fridge raids just across the wall and noisy late-night conversations upstairs.  Erma Bombeck said there was a study that said women in their 50’s have trouble sleeping.  She said it’s no wonder–by that time, they’ve forgotten how.

Have any advice for young moms?

Maybe this should be my next book. 🙂  In a nutshell: if you show up and do the best you know, things will probably turn out ok.  You can chill just a bit, you know.  Not everything is a crisis.  However, if you’re the sort of mom who lets her child break the eggs in the grocery store and thinks it’s cute, please chill a bit less.  You’re the mom, after all.  So be the mom.  Ultimately, your own character is the deciding factor–your child will likely be a lot like you.  Also: read to your child for 15 minutes a day.  And answer their questions, although you’re allowed to ask for silence after the 85th question of the day.  You’re the mom, you know.  You make the rules.

I noticed this book is dedicated to Ben. Is there a book for each child?

I’m working my way down through the list, and it was Emily’s turn this time, but she wanted me to dedicate my first novel to her.  So I skipped her, and dedicated this one to Ben.

A novel? Really?

Well, I’ve kind of crossed the Rubicon there–I now HAVE to write a novel so Emily isn’t left out. The short answer is yes.  The “when” is far less certain.

I love the shoe theme in Footprints on the Ceiling! What’s your own favorite pair of shoes?

I love my white Clarks sandals in summer, and in winter my basic Naturalizer slip-on Mom shoes that look dressier than running shoes but still take me to town and prayer meeting and the dentist, in all kinds of weather.  And I can wear them with socks.  I also like my one pair of high heels but I seldom wear them because I lose my balance.  I wore them to a wedding last summer and told Paul beforehand that he has to stay close by at all times because I need to hang onto him so I don’t fall.  And later a young friend said, “It was so sweet.  Paul was just so attentive to you at the wedding….”

What’s the craziest thing about publishing your fifth book?

The agonies of editing, and the self-doubts.  Seriously, you’d think I’d be beyond ten minutes of deliberating over a comma.  And you’d think the nasty voices would stop–you know, the whispered “stupid stupid” “dumb dumb dumb” “shallow shallow” as I review each chapter.  I’m told there are writers [Harvey Yoder who wrote for CAM in particular] who pretty much scrawl a good rough draft and then let the editing crew take over and finish it.  I absolutely cannot do that, even when I hire an editor to go over my manuscript.

Any idea where you want to go from here?

So many ideas, so little time.  My next project is typing up and publishing my dad’s memoirs.   I’ll keep writing for the newspaper as long as they want me and/or I feel led to do that.  A novel, of course.  Maybe a compilation of blog posts.

How fun!!

Footprints on the Ceiling is available for $15 per book, postage included.  You can mail a check to Dorcas Smucker, 31148 Substation Drive, Harrisburg, OR 97446.  US addresses only.  To send a copy to Canada or overseas, email Dorcas at [email protected].  Also available here through

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Now for the giveaway: What’s your favorite book in the world?

Open to US residents only. Giveaway closes in one week.

Update: As of 11/26/2014, this giveaway is closed.

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9 years ago

I am not good at narrowing things down to just ONE book. However. 🙂 Set – Apart Femininity by Leslie Ludy. Either that or Pride & Prejudice. Or any books by Elisabeth Eliot or Erynn Mangum. SEE?!?! 🙂

9 years ago

Oh my…so many good books. Profound, encouraging, insightful, enlightening, thought-provoking, et cetera. But I’ll just go ahead and admit my all time favorite is Anne of Green Gables. There’s really nothing quite like a good dose of Anne 😉

9 years ago

This is pure torture, trying to narrow books down to one! James Herriot’s books, Living in the Light of Eternity by K. P. Yohannon, Life is for Living by Anita Yoder, Lions Beyond the Lattice, poetry by Judy Unruh, The Last Sin-eater by Francine Rivers… I could go on and on. Ok, so ONE of the my favorites is The Persecutor by Sergei Kourdakov. It’s the story of a former Russian policeman’s conversion to Christianity. It’s amazing!

9 years ago

There are so many books i love but there’s one book that has challenged and encouraged me more than any other book (other than the Bible of course) The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. I just finished reading it to our 4 oldest and it made for some seriously good conversation. I would also have to agree with another commenter on the Anne of Green Gables. If i need a dreamy book to help me escape reality, she’s a good one. 🙂 I also love “The Persecutor” and “Anna and the King of Siam” and….and…..and…..

And don’t let the fact that we’re in Kenya, Africa discourage you in allowing me to win. 🙂 We have friends coming to visit so they would be happy to bring it along.

9 years ago

Well to be completely honest, my most read books, but definitely not my favorite are my nursing textbooks. 🙂 Actually any book by Dr Robert Leslie, or any book medically-oriented.

9 years ago

two favorite books.. Strong Women, Soft Hearts by Paula Rinehart and The Uncommon Woman by Susie Larson

9 years ago

Hinds Feet in High Places

9 years ago

Do you really, really expect me to narrow it down to one?!? I think I can name two… Island of the World by Michael D. O’Brien for a fiction one. Joey’s Story by Ruth Ann Stelfox for a nonfiction one made extra powerful since I have personally met Joey’s family. And I would love to read “Footprints on the Ceiling”!

9 years ago

Oh my, I have many that I frequently re-read and just can’t pin down a favorite. I have come to the conclusion though that non-fiction is my favorite genre. Vera, the Kings Daughter by Harvey Yoder is an amazing story of God’s miraculous care of a crippled daughter of His.

9 years ago

I used to read more than I do now, but I really like all the books by Dr.Robert Leslie. I think when it’s a true story, there’s more meaning to it. Would love to win. 😉

9 years ago

James Herriot- all time favorite! My youngest is even named Tristan!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Joanna S

I didn’t know that about you!! But I love the books too, and they fit with your animal-loving life.

Joanna Yoder
9 years ago

I used to read voraciously, but these days I just fall asleep over books. Maybe when I’m 50 and can’t sleep, I’ll start reading again. 🙂 Until then, my favorite books have been anything from Francine Rivers, or else The Heavenly Man.

9 years ago

Favorite Book?? There are many! But of recent reads that I’ve really liked includes Speaking of Jesus by Carl Medearis, gods at war by Kyle Idleman, Radical by David Platt and I’m currently doing a re-read of Strong Women Soft Hearts by Paula Rinehart.

Heidi Shank
9 years ago

Ok, my favorite children’s picture book is, hands down, The Rag Coat. My favorite older child’s book (no pictures LOL) is Where the Red Fern Grows, and I suppose my favorite adult book waffles between John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, or Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird.

9 years ago

This is hard… Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte), To Kill a Mockingbird(Harper Lee), The Chosen( Chaim Potok), all of Jane Austen’s books except Northanger Abbey which I didn’t really like, books by Miss Read about lovely villages in England and the daily life of people there. I think I should stop… 🙂

9 years ago

Well that’s a difficult question to answer! If you would’ve asked me as an 8 year old it would’ve been simple. Black Beauty. I read that book so many times, it fell apart. 🙂 Now, if I had to choose…I probably can’t. I love old classics – Charles Dickens being one of my favorite authors. But I also love Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker (my favorites of his are Blink, and the Blessed set he co authored with Bill Bright.)

9 years ago

The wonderful world of books…how to narrow it down to 1!?! I like “Home another way” by Christa Parish among many others. I have 3 of DS’s books & would enjoy the next installment. =) Thanks for the chance.

Janette Martin
9 years ago

I love old classics. But one of my favorites is Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens.

Beth Russo
9 years ago

Someone was just looking for book ideas yesterday on Facebook and I can’t narrow it down to one (I hope we don’t get disqualified for that – haha). For now, it’s The Waiting, by Cathy LaGrow (oh so good) – read it soon, the lady is still alive!, and The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls (I thought that was going to be sad and depressing but she tells it in such a way that it’s more of a “this is the way it was” kind of way). I’ve read Dorcas’ other books so I’d love to have this one.

mom coblentz
9 years ago

“A Grace Disguised” by Jerry Sittser

9 years ago

I LOVE to read! 🙂 A book that I picked up thinking ‘someone else’ might benefit, and ended up blessing me tremendously….’Every Woman’s Desire’ by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker. And for ‘fun reads’ I enjoy the novels by B.J. Hoff built around history.

Joanna Horner
9 years ago

my favorite book is “A Woman After God’s Own Heart” by Elizabeth George
Thanks for doing this give-away!

Janelle H
9 years ago

A giveaway…exciting!!! 🙂 My favorite book is “Kisses from Katie” by Katie Davis

Yvonne Shaum
9 years ago

Cry, the Beloved Country – by Alan Paton. As a reviewer stated – “The greatest novel to emerge out of the tragedy of South Africa, and one of the best novels of our time.”

9 years ago

I love to read, so it is hard to narrow them down. I like the L.M. Montgomery books, Dr. midwives or nurse stories, God and Uncle Dale, etc.

9 years ago

Well, since it’s impossible to say ”favorite” I will just mention two. one that has changed my life, being ‘1000 gifts’ by Ann Voskamp and the other ‘Call the midwife’ provided amusing entertainment in a year filled with lots of stress. I Love Dorcas’ books also and would love to add this one to my collection!

9 years ago
Reply to  rhonda

I read brought these comments just to see if anyone would mention “1000 Gifts”! If it hadn’t been for this book, a “life changing” event would probably have turned out completely different for me!!!

9 years ago

This is tough…I love books but to choose a favorite…. Recently I read the classic ‘Heidi’ again and fell in love with the setting and story. Someday I want to visit Switzerland! I also enjoy the deep writings of Oswald Chambers in ‘My Utmost for His Highest’.

Marnita Kornelsen

9 years ago

My favorite book is actually the Lord of the Things books. those! Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!

9 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

Lord of the Rings? I love them too… just finishing an n-th re-reading. I’m guessing auto-correct is at work here, but perhaps there is another series I don’t know about. 🙂

Jeanie Wadel
9 years ago

I have enjoyed all of the Christmas Carol Kauffman books. One of her books is called, Light from Heaven.

9 years ago

Shepherd of the Hills by Harold Bell Wright

Mary Ann Mast
9 years ago

A book that has become special to me is ” Life After Death”. I discovered the book awhile after my Mom passed away five years ago today. I wish I could have read it prior, it has lots of scripture and gives you information on how we as people deal with grief.. It has inspired me to take one day at a time , knowing one day we will not need to have pain and suffering forever.

9 years ago

One of my favorite books is A Song For Your Honor. But I also like books by Pablo Yoder…. I wold love to win! Natalie

9 years ago
Reply to  Deborah

I am Natalie’s sister… May I enter too? We both enjoy your blog.There is no way I can pick just one favorite… But maybe I Would Die For You by Brent & Deanna Higgins. I’d love to win! Abigail

9 years ago
Reply to  Deborah

Thanks for entering! The more the merrier. 🙂

9 years ago

It’s impossible to pick out my favorite book =) .. but one I always enjoy reading is House Calls and Hitching Posts. I also enjoy the books by Dorcas and would love to win this one!

9 years ago

It’s harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for me to pick a favorite book. Seriously now! It depends on which genre of book I’m thinking about. For suspense, anything by John Grisham, for a classic, Anne of Green Gables, for soul searching inspiration, Jen Hatmaker’s “7,” and of course for blog/newspaper columns it would be anything by Dorcas Smucker! Heh. Truly, I love to read anything if it’s well-written. (email: [email protected]) P.S. I really liked your interview with Dorcas.

9 years ago

I need to get out my pen and copy some of these titles, although I have read many of them. I always need new ideas. One of my favorite books beyond the Bible is “Stepping Heavenward” by Elizabeth Prentiss.

9 years ago
Reply to  Twila

Second this one heartily!

9 years ago

Too hard to just give one title; so I will list several. I enjoy reads by Elizabeth Elliot, Dorcas Smucker :), Ann Voskamp (1000 Gifts). I like being challenged to grow in godliness by what I read. Thanks for this opportunity to win!

9 years ago

Wow! I just read down through these comments, and now it’s harder than ever to say a favorite! I’m currently reading ‘1000 Gifts’ and it may be a new favorite, in the same category as books by Ian Thomas and Elizabeth Elliot; and I LOVE old novels – I’ve re-read ‘Shepherd of the Hills’ by Harold Bell Wright many times, and have a collection of his books; I also love & re-read the books by Gene Stratton Porter (especially ‘Laddie’), and the books by Grace Richmond – definite re-reads, especially the ‘Red Pepper’ series; and I’ve re-read the L.M. Montgomery books. Current fiction authors? It’s a toss up between Francine Rivers (especially ‘Redeeming Love’) and Randy Alcorn (beginning with ‘Deadline’ and continuing from there!). And I LOVE to read Dorcas Smucker’s books!

9 years ago

After years of allowing the whole Twilight craze come and go I never felt the need or desire to read the books in the least. I read all sorts of Christian blogs condemning the books and telling different reasons of why they feel this way, and gave myself little pats on the back for being a good person and not getting sucked into reading those awful books. Last fall while visiting a dear friend I was surprised to see the Twilight series on her bookshelf, tucked right among books I have read and enjoyed. I asked her how she liked them and she informed me they are some of her favorite books, that they aren’t at all creepy and evil like she used to think. She got them off her shelf and pressed them in my arms, “Take them, read them, and tell me what you think.” I took them home and left them untouched for several weeks and then decided I’ll at least try a few chapters of the first book and then give them back, but it didn’t quite work that way. For the next week when ever I had a chance I read the entire series and the Twilight series is now right up there with my all time favorite books. They’re not at all like my preconceived ideas, and I now laugh to myself when I hear someone talking about them and it’s obvious from what they say about them that they have never even read them. So yes, my favorite books now includes the controversial Twilight series.

9 years ago

1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp, Sunsets by Deborah Howard ( a beautifully Christian view on death and dying by a Hospice nurse), anything Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and Emily Dickinson. There really isn’t an end to my list, but that gives you the gist of where my tastes lie. And, of course, I would love to enjoy Dorcas’ latest read.

9 years ago

I love all kinds of books!!!
Angela Hunt writes some pretty good allegories!
And I like Don Aslett’s “Is There Life AFTER housework?”!!! 🙂
Different seasons of my life seem to call for certain genre’s.

9 years ago

A book I recently enjoyed was “Bootprints” by Deborah & Sharon Beachy. Thanks for the chance to win.

9 years ago

Instead of a favorite book, I’m going to do a favorite series. The “Little Britches” books by Ralph Moody are so, so good. They aren’t as famous as some, but they are an entertaining and thought-provoking read. I would have a hard time choosing my favorite book of the series. I’ve only read one of Dorcas’ books–“Tea and Trouble Brewing”. I’ve been hooked on her blog ever since.

9 years ago
Reply to  Dawn

My husband is reading the Little Britches series to the kids in the evenings, and sometimes I have to sit and listen, too! Great books!

A couple faves off the top of my head: Except for Me and Thee, Miss Willie, Hannah Fowler, Mrs. Mike, My Name is Asher Lev, Dear Enemy, Diligence in Love.

For more thought-provoking stuff, I recently read Hearing God by Dallas Willard and The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches are Transforming Mission, Discipleship, and Community by Sparks, Soerens, and Friesen. Both tremendously good books.

Jackie Miller
9 years ago

Oh dear, only one book? Well, maybe the big fat tome of the complete works of O. Henry. I love a lot of the books that others have mentioned, too.

Dorcas Siegrist
9 years ago

These may be a bit on the elementary side but I cannot wait till my children are old enough to read the “Grandmas Attic” series and Laura Ingalls Wilder series to them! I still love those books even tho I’m now a mom. One I’m hoping I get for Christmas is Set Apart Motherhood by Leslie Ludy!

9 years ago

I should never have read the comments first because then I remembered all these great books I’ve read. “Across the Divide” and “Unchristian” were very challenging to my box of thinking and I will always be a fan of A. A. Milne

9 years ago
Reply to  Shari Zook

No wonder. I wrote it wrong. Its called “Letters Across the Divide” by David Anderson and Brent Zuercher.

9 years ago

It’s impossible to say one favorite but whenever I need something to laugh about I enjoy Daddy Long-Legs. The illustrations are the best! 🙂

9 years ago

I’m not a book worm, but give me a ‘not-so-deep’, ‘true-to-life’ story and I’ll read it. The last was ‘Bootprints’. A very interesting but sad story…. I d love the chance to win this. I live in Alberta, but have a box in the states. Thats ok, right?

9 years ago

Books Books, oh how I LOVE books, I love my drama books, probably my favorite, is the DR. Leslie books! And any real life story books!

Mary Miller
9 years ago

Like so many others, it’s impossible to pick ONE favorite book! So, without looking over my bookcases, I’ll say authors who I’ve enjoyed are, James Herriott, L.M.Montgomery, Francine Rivers, Gene Stratton Porter.Oh well, you get the idea! Too many. Favorite blogger? Dorcas Smucker!

9 years ago

Oh dear, now I really can’t say just which one is my favorite book to read.. reading everyone else’s comments before writing my own didn’t help either since I was reminded of books that I forgot about but really enjoyed reading over and over. I enjoy historical fiction [Stonewyke series was really captivating] and biographies of inspirational characters. Some days when I am feeling discouraged, I do enjoy books that make me laugh. If I need to pin down one book… one that has been a favorite over the years is Caddie Woodlawn.

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