I wrote this piece many weeks ago, about living as a foster parent and a woman. Now at last I am young enough to share it.
It is concrete poetry. If you are reading it on your phone, you may need to turn your screen or find a larger one for proper viewing, or click here.
My love is love is love
And does not change with changes
Feelings may turn from pleasure to pain, hope to loss, joy to shame
But the present pain will be exactly equal to the previous pleasure
There shall be no diminishing
My heart is riddled with holes
that will not
Touching, very touching. Thank you for being real.
Love this.
This is beautiful, Shari, but aching. I first read it on my phone, and didn’t see the heart. Glad I came on it here. I’ve been thinking lately about the holes in our soul and have no answers or tidy response to patch them up.
I needed this tonight. I’ve lost my 3rd baby in the hospital in 4 days… all unexpected…. all to mom’s who have lost other babies. My heart breaks. I wonder why I do this. I cry. And then God gives me this gift. Thanks for sharing your heart. And reminding me mine will be young again.
I am so sorry for this pain…