Walking with Jesus


Confession: You already know this about me–sometimes I write about caterpillars when I can’t write about cataclysm. My grandfather is dying today (my only grandpa, pillar around which my earliest memories twine), and my sister is in the ER for the third time in a week (my only sister, oh my sister). I hold this

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I am in the middle of a story about my experience with seasonal depression. Begin at the beginning right here. ***** Heading into winter 2010-2011, I tried hard to keep things upbeat. I meant to use my lamp. I really did. But I didn’t start until I crashed into a black weekend—Thanksgiving. I tried fitting

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Déjà vu

I am in the middle of a story about my experience with seasonal depression. Begin at the beginning right here. ***** Spring came, and I felt fine. Life moved on. Life was good. But I encountered some really low times, and they got worse. Seemed like each January I bottomed out, though there was always

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Opening lines

Confession: Um. I have a propensity toward seasonal depression. The fancy word for it is SAD—Seasonal Affective Disorder—an elaborate way of saying I have trouble handling winter. My body and mind react to the lack of sunlight in the winter months, resulting in varying levels of despondency. I hate this bent in myself. I want

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Rural legend #1: Pastor’s wives are perfect. Rural legend #2: Christian moms don’t yell. ***** Rural legend #3: God is silent. God is not silent. God is so full of words that when He tried to cram them all into a book, He had to use fine print and thin pages. His words are there.

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