

I launched my very first “Hello World” post a year ago this month. And I’m going to celebrate with 30 days of quiet. (Your world would not fall apart if I didn’t mention this fact to you, but I thought I would share it anyway.) I had no idea that my first year would hold so

Recess Read More »


My parents are celebrating 40 years of marriage this month! We’re announcing a card shower for them. If you know my parents and would like to join us, please send a card by the end of October to: John & Barb Coblentz 28267 Plank Rd. Guys Mills, PA 16327 You may include a favorite memory,

Announcing! Read More »

The Doorknob

(a.k.a. Thoughts while En Route to Reading, PA) This is me, playing. I told you I loved The Door, by E. B. White. Isn’t it great how nonsense is deceptively similar to brilliance? ***** The cause, she said, is never less than half of the intended effect, and the trick is not to lose your

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I added a new feature to my blog! See my Thanks List tab, frequently updated–more for my sake than yours, honestly. I also refreshed my Current Reading tab, and will continue to do so occasionally. As always, you may subscribe to my blog by using the widget on the right hand side. (I don’t know

FYI Read More »


For any of you who are interested, it is now possible to easily subscribe to my blog, thanks to my excellent tech help. I’m thinking of proposing marriage to him, but I’m waiting for the courage. See the widget on the right side of my blog if you want to receive my posts via email.

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Hello world!

Confession: I love to learn. This blog is a place for me to talk about learning: fresh ways I am finding hope and energy. I feel most alive when I am discovering something new, stretching my skill set, researching something I’m not good at, taking a step toward living what I have come to care

Hello world! Read More »

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