
I launched my very first “Hello World” post a year ago this month. And I’m going to celebrate with 30 days of quiet. (Your world would not fall apart if I didn’t mention this fact to you, but I thought I would share it anyway.)

I had no idea that my first year would hold so much: excitement, vulnerability, praise, misunderstanding, delight, discouragement, humor, and insecurity. It’s been quite the ride.

I plan to spend the month

  • spring cleaning my house
  • sewing new dresses
  • reading good books
  • starting seedlings
  • scrapbooking Kelly’s baby pictures
  • and thinking about life.

I will receive any comments you post via email as usual, but I will not be posting or updating my blog.

Happy March!

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11 years ago

Enjoy your break!

Merle Yoder
11 years ago

Have a great recess. The dust will probably have settled by the time you get back.

Jim Yutzy
11 years ago

I’ll miss you!
Uncle Jim

11 years ago

My brain is left breathless from reading over that list! HOW do you manage to get so much done? It doesn’t matter but wow! I’m impressed none the less.

Shari Zook
11 years ago
Reply to  Beth

Not done yet… 🙂

11 years ago

Can’t believe it’s been a year! I’m going to miss you here. Glad we have email. 😉

11 years ago

You forgot to add:

Having frequent coffee with locals 🙂

Best wishes on that list!!!

11 years ago

I will miss your posts. But a taking a break is a good thing! Enjoy.

11 years ago

I’ll miss your posts, but I’m going to be offline for part of this month as well.

I can’t believe it has only been a year! Seems much longer.

Hope you get many things done this month!

11 years ago

I’ve been taking an unintentional break since September but would like to start up again soon – my daughter just got engaged (EEKKK – fun!). Enjoy your time off, and have fun doing some projects that you may have been putting off. If you’re like me though, almost everything I do, I think, ‘This would make a good post’. HAHA Enjoy ~

11 years ago

Hmm. I’m missing my favorite blogger. Is she missing me yet?

11 years ago

Is the month over yet?
You would choose the seemingly longest month of the year.
I will continue waiting…and hope you are enjoying the break and accomplishing what you set out to do.

Rachel Shenk
11 years ago

Hey!!! It’s April 1st…where ARE you?

11 years ago
Reply to  Rachel Shenk

Just what I thought! Then I saw that technically, it hasn’t been 30 days yet. I am looking forward to reading your posts again.

11 years ago

Month is up. Come on back. 🙂

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