Three inspirational books for women

After my last post on fiction books I’ve loved, one reader (hi Aimee) asked me for suggestions for the kind of inspirational books a ladies’ group might study together. Here are three titles I gave her. Each is worth reading and pondering!

The Life-Giving Home: creating a place of belonging & becoming

by Sally and Sarah Clarkson

Clarkson’s book has been making the rounds of my community. Full of warmth and joy, it presents a whole philosophy of homemaking, delightfully organized by months of the year. The March section, for example, is titled The Art of the Ordinary: finding beauty in your own backyard. December is The Rhythm of Celebration: seasons of rejoicing in family life. So many aspects of homemaking are included, with fresh ideas for converting the things you believe and desire into tangible, textural, practical experiences within your four walls.

Invitation to Solitude and Silence: experiencing God’s transforming presence

by Ruth Haley Barton

Working from Elijah’s encounter with God on the mountain (1 Kings 19), Barton calls God’s people to experience the same kind of stillness and silence in order to become available for communion with God. We’re so busy, busy, busy, living in a world that is dangerously tired – sometimes in bodies that are dangerously tired. Invitation is a powerful call away from noise and into rest.

One disclaimer: I am always slightly nervous about breathing my way into quiet. I am not sure why – perhaps a fear of cross-contamination with yoga (grin), perhaps a carryover from the evangelical days when preachers told us what to do and feel, or perhaps just from my own wild heart and mind, reluctant to calm. Barton’s suggestions are entirely appropriate, but they push me gently on this issue.

Liturgy of the Ordinary: sacred practices in everyday life

by Tish Harrison Warren

Speaking of button pushing, Liturgy is written by a Baptist girl turned Anglican priest. Her book is the kind I wish I had written: full of beautiful ideas wrapped in ordinary life. She writes about finding Christ in the mundane pieces of our days: waking up in the morning, brushing our teeth, losing our keys, and arguing with our husbands. Warren believes our lives are fundamentally shaped not by our big events, but by living itself: what we do while we’re waiting for the next thing to happen.

This post contains affiliate links. Thanks, Yvonne and April, for introducing the titles to me!

Now – what nonfiction books might you suggest to me? If you suggest fiction, it’s okay; some of you gave me nonfiction last time. What’s a little misplacement between friends?

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5 years ago

? Yeah, sorry, I jumped the gun a little. Unbroken is definitely worth a person’s time. I found it inspiring too, though there were some dark chapters.

Rachel Habegger
5 years ago
Reply to  Cheryl

hey, I’m with ya- Unbroken belongs in every recommended reading list, regardless of genre. 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Cheryl

Well, all I can say is that if it’s worth mentioning on both lists, it’s jumping to the top of mine! 🙂 🙂 I don’t mind a bit.

5 years ago

I am getting ready to do a ladies book study with The Life-Giving Home. We did The Life-Giving Table, also by Sally Clarkson, which I highly recommend!

Invitation to Solitude and Silence is actually on my book list to buy. I have read her book, Sacred Rhythms, and was deeply moved, inspired and challenged.

And Liturgy of the Ordinary sounds like just my kind of book! I’m going to add that to my book list to buy!

Regina S
5 years ago

A few nonfiction books I enjoy are:

Just Open the Door by Jen Schmidt which is a book about Biblical hospitality.

Vera’s Journey by Judy Yoder. A true story of God’s faithfulness towards Vera and her family through many trials and heartaches.

The Transformed Wife by Lori Alexander- a book which encourages women to return to God’s design for women.

I Taught Myself to Crochet. I can’t remember who published the book since it was so long ago.

Through My Father’s Eyes by Franklin Graham. Franklin shares memories of his father Rev. Billy Graham and how his father had such a heart for seeing the lost come to Christ.

I have many more but that’s just to name a few but Vera’s Journey is my absolute favorite. I read it twice and will probably read it again.

5 years ago

A recent read for me was Love Does by Bob Goff. It was a whimsical, delightful read full of adventure, and a wonderful parenting journey. Great book for laughing out loud yet being inspired by the great love of God! I’m looking forward to reading his next one…
Disclaimer: might be theologically controversial to some more on the conservative side.

5 years ago

Same Kind of Different As Me – by Ron Hall and Denver Moore – An incredible story!
Definitely one of my favorite nonfiction stories!
Gray Matter – written by a neurosurgeon is another one.

5 years ago

To Siri, with love. Definitely top on my list of books I read this summer. I think there may be some “questionable” language, now that I’m thinking of it, but a very good read, especially if you have any kids in your life with autism or autism symptoms.

5 years ago

Idols of the Heart by Elyse Fitzpatrick. Not riveting, but soul-searching. You should let me catch up on my book-buying list and figure out where to put more bookshelves! 😉

Aimee Stauffer
5 years ago

Hi, Shari! Thanks for the recommendations and the ” campfire smoke” of other good books rising in the comments from your readers. ?

5 years ago

I love the book Light From Heaven by Christmas Carol Kauffman

Anisa Mcdaniel
5 years ago

I would say Driven by Julie Heldman. What an absolute amazing memoir. She has had a life that deserves to written about. I highly recommend it.

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