My kids’ favorite healthy snacks this summer

  1. A whole! carrot
  2. A slice of cheese, and miniature cookie cutters to play with it
  3. Half an apple, the hole filled with peanut butter and porcupined with pretzel sticks
  4. A snack mix: peanuts, craisins, dry cereal, and one sweet

What would you add to the list?

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mama zook
12 years ago

If you have a chance to pick sweet cherries, pick them with the stems on, and freeze them on a cookie sheet individually, then bag them up in ziplok bags. On hot days, take several out for each child…like popsicles…on a stem. At Renita’s, she took the little dixie cups for dispensers (clear plastic work best because the finished product slips right out), blend a quart of home canned peaches, put a spoonful in the bottom of each cup, add a spoonful of yogurt to the top, insert a popsicle stick into each…freeze!

12 years ago

One of our favorites:
grape lollipops created with grapes and pretzels. It’s mess free. Fun. And mostly healthy!

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