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“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

Here’s the rest of what I have to say. It’s short.

I once said that what government does cannot heal your world. (You didn’t take much notice of it because that was the day I also said what you eat cannot heal your world.) I said, “Please consider the gospel you preach. There is no cure for human suffering except the one found in the person of Jesus and his final redemption.”

Don’t even think I’m saying that a government shouldn’t do all the good it can… that’s what it’s there for. It should protect the innocent and defend the poor and strike terror to the evil. But why would the people of God look to it for ultimate restoration? Human ideas aren’t that good.


I’ve seen Christians put their hope in godly politicians, only to see those shining leaders stumble and severely disappoint; and I’ve seen Christians attack ungodly politicians, who were selected by the Lord for such a time as this.

Our times are in his hands.

The utopias and dystopias, whatever their faults, were important books for the warnings they offered. They are important again this season, as America lunges and churns and gouges its way toward a Presidential election unlike any other—and yet so very like. Sometimes the American political scene looks to me like a golden chamber pot—expensive, sure; fascinating, you bet; but who would like to claim it? Anyone? Anyone?

Please remember. The biggest question is not “Mr. Trump or Ms. Clinton?”

The biggest question is “Who heals the nations?

If what the government does cannot completely heal the world (and by that I mean solve every human problem, rescue every lost child, and change the hearts of people to make us truly good and truly happy), then what the government does cannot completely destroy the world either—however damaging/ dangerous/ selfish/ alarming/ horrible the fallout of its policies may be. It just can’t. It can’t turn good into evil, stop the sweet work of the Holy Spirit, or make the earth forget its Redeemer.

If you are in Christ, you belong to a kingdom that transcends political and temporal lines, and places your hope in a person, not in a place or a policy. There is always hope, because JESUS.

Because there is one perfect person in the world, one scaldingly good man who laid down his life for his enemies and walked through suffering and rose radiant with eternal life, we can live here too, and he will keep transforming us into his kind of people.

Our hope is in him, world without end. Amen.

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Mom Coblentz
8 years ago

A resounding and loud, AMEN!
What would we do without Jesus? !

Matthew Mast
8 years ago

Amen! We give human government too much credit, trusting too much in its abilities to address evil or fearing too greatly its power to corrupt and destroy. Thank you for reminding us to trust in Jesus.

8 years ago

“There is always hope, because JESUS.”

Whereupon I must speak, a hearty Amen! I confess a disturbance in my spirit at the vehemence with which Christians proclaim what must or must not happen on the political scene. Didn’t God use an evil intended Pharaoh to bring about the deliverance of the Children of Israel? That is not an isolated example. I claim Jesus as my Redeemer!

Renee S
8 years ago

Well said and well written. Blessings!

8 years ago

This was fantastic!! I’m so glad you are back to blogging!!

8 years ago

Amen and high fives.

8 years ago

Amen! Praise God!

8 years ago

Thank you for these words. The saddest thing in the current state of affairs is not the corrupt political scene… Because that is to be expected. But to see so-called “believers” living as though they had no hope, or with their hope in something as earthly as a government, is tragic indeed. Yes, darkness covers the earth, but we have the glory of the Lord rising on us. This is our hour to shine! We have the hope this world needs!

8 years ago

If what the government does cannot completely heal the world (and by that I mean solve every human problem, rescue every lost child, and change the hearts of people to make us truly good and truly happy), then what the government does cannot completely destroy the world either—however damaging/ dangerous/ selfish/ alarming/ horrible the fallout of its policies may be.

Thank you for that.
He puts up the person he chooses. I want to be on God’s side of the plan. Therefore I must not jump ahead of what he will reveal as his plan by loudly voicing my human ideas about the future.

8 years ago

Preach it, sister!

Joanna Yoder
8 years ago

Wonderfully stated. God bless you. I wish that every believer would read and HEAR this message.

8 years ago

Tears :'(… of sadness and joy … this is very worth saying “Amen” to! 🙂

8 years ago


8 years ago

Well said! I enjoy reading your blog.

8 years ago

Amen again.
Yes, yes, yes.
God is in control. God is our hope.

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