
Hello folks! Today I’d like to introduce you to two good reads, recently available online.

First, I’m happy to announce the new blog of my friend Stephanie J. Leinbach. (Yes, the J. is important.) Some of you know of her already through her book “Light My Candle: Prayers in the Darkness of Miscarriage.”

She is now blogging here, and I think you’ll enjoy it! She’s a good woman and a talented writer. She is also dealing with severe epilepsy in her four-year-old daughter, who is tentatively heading toward brain surgery (more of that story here). Perhaps you could join me in remembering her family in prayer?


Secondly, I’m proud and happy to say that my brother John Coblentz Jr. recently published an e-book for nurses. It’s called RN P.U.L.S.E.: Practical Understanding for Learning, Study, and Education.

Designed for student nurses, it’s a concise collection of organized, categorized data. It covers a wide variety of topics, offering printable information cards and facts at your fingertips.

I call it an entirely superb “cheat sheet,” catching the big stuff and making it easy to grasp, access, and remember.



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9 years ago

Wait! How did I not know about my bro? Go John!

9 years ago

Thanks for mentioning me, Shari. I’m not especially good or talented, but your vote of confidence means a lot.

The prayers mean even more.

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