The hair of his chin

Dear Fire Hall,

ryan's face

You take my husband’s time, and I can share that with you.

You capture my husband’s interest, and I can share that too.

You divide my husband’s energy, priorities, finances, and obligations, and all this I am willing to share.

But now

(so that his air mask fits during this month of training)

you want to take his facial hair

and I am more upset about this than I can say.

ryan's beard

You are a t-rd, and I am not signing off with love.


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Kendra Sensenig
9 years ago

L. O. L!! I’ve never experienced this, but I can imagine my feelings if such an atrocity were imposed on my man. I’d be vexed too, sister!

mom coblentz
9 years ago

Grinning! This too shall pass and it’ll grow back.

mom coblentz
9 years ago

Oooops. I’m not being very sympathetic to your pain. I feel it. 😉

GrandmaKitty Brown
9 years ago

Yes, it WILL grow back, but…..!! I remember a very vivid nightmare i had once, in which both my hubby and son shaved off their beards. I actually woke up in an agitated sweat! I had to look over to be sure hubby’s face was still fuzzy, and i checked my son first thing at breakfast! 🙂
However… i can see the point, but… sure, the mask will fit during training… (another) but… he’ll still be growing it out again, so what about later?
Ugh. I want to say ‘just do it’, but ohhhh….. that’ll be hard! 🙁

9 years ago

my deepest sympathy

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