Changes coming down

Confession: I am missing something from my days. It’s called Margin.

What a funny thing margin is, always hanging around the edges, not out in the open where it’s easily calculated or measured. You don’t know what you got till it’s gone.

I’m starting a few changes to my blog for the next few months.

The first one is that I’m taking a break from advertising. Most of my ads were due to expire at the end of May, and instead of renewing or soliciting new ones, I decided to let them phase out. There are two reasons for thisβ€”one is that I’m tired and the other is that I partly hate myself when I advertise. I’d be interested in your feedback on this. Advertising is such a great idea, up front; and I truly think it’s been good for me, and you, and businesses. But it takes work to maintain, especially since I’m handpicking the businesses. And sometimes I feel like I’m selling something (myself maybe), when all I really want is just to write. I started running ads last August, so we’re going on a year now and I’m ready for a break.

The second change is that I’m taking a break from blogging.

(This is one reason I’m breaking from the adsβ€”how else can I take a writing break?)

I’ve had a recess in mind for some time. The original reason was that I am interested in writing Other things, and I never have time to do bothβ€”but now I don’t have time to do either, so that’s kind of funny. After I’ve given heart to all the other things in my life I don’t have any left to put here. I’m being a wife and a mommy. Writing is an important way for me to process life, but having margin is even more important; I feel the need to cut something out until we settle into this new normal.

Also I have a few personal issues I need to work on, like reading more Scripture, coming close to my church community, and cleaning my bathrooms. I’m going to get right on those.

This is the first open-ended break I’ve taken. I’ll jot a line in a week to tell you about the coffee giveaway results.

I’m not sure when, but I’ll be back.

I’ll miss you,

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9 years ago

A wise person acknowledges how important margins are. You are wise. Very!

9 years ago
Reply to  Anita

Amen. And I’ll miss you too.

9 years ago

Sometimes a break is needed! God bless!

9 years ago

Ditto what Anita said. And I shall miss you too.

Beth Russo
9 years ago

Good for you! I dislike it for my own selfish reasons, but putting that aside, I’m proud of you for taking action. I used to blog all the time, then a little, and now not at all and I like giving more time to other things. I still do miss it from time to time, but not enough. Blessings on your new changes ~ β™₯

9 years ago

Wow… totally identify with your personal issues… same as mine. Wife and Mommy seem to consume me right now– but it is a high calling. πŸ™‚ Take heart– we will let you go, even though we’ll miss you as well. Maybe now we can take that time to write family update letters?? Don’t stress though… I think it’s about my turn– not yours.

9 years ago

I will miss your posts!!!!
I always look forward to hearing from your honest challenges!!! and I enjoyed the variety of posts, Never knew quite to expect! and you had photos, I don’t like blogs without any pictures!!!
But ‘no’ is a powerful word, that we must use at certain times and places in our lives!!! If you must, :)!!!!!
and I personally don’t think you should feel bad about some advertising, it certainly isn’t why I am on this blog, but neither does it bug me at all!!!

9 years ago

I’m joining the chorus to say, Good for you for choosing ‘that good part’. But please get those personal issues straightened out double quick?! πŸ˜‰ I will miss your posts but I know the relief of not having that pressure to ‘write something’! Blessings to you….

9 years ago

I’ve been very blessed by this blogging phase of your life. I’m sad to see it end, but this new phase will bring many blessings to whatever you do next! Thanks so much, and God bless!

Mama Zook
9 years ago

I will miss you here, but maybe enjoy you in other places when our lives connect in the (man, I hate to say real world, cause what you’ve been writing is so real) face-to-face world!! Love you, girl!! You will continue to be an inspiration!

Joy Weaver
9 years ago

You have an amazing gift of writing…..and You will be greatly missed…BUT, you are doing the right thing!! I am a grandma and have an empty nest(when son is at college) and I still don”t get my bathrooms cleaned very often!!! Blessings to you and your family!!

9 years ago

I’ll miss you but I totally get your reasons for taking a recess. Glad that you can recognize your need for margin. I hope that I’m open to make changes as needed. (And maybe I have. I’m not blogging much lately.)

Hope you can come back soon.

9 years ago

Cheers to you for making a difficult but wise decision.

I am just hoping that you mostly draw close to your church community and skip the bathroom cleaning. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

9 years ago

Uh- oh there goes my one small connection with you even if it was a little one-sided. I guess once a year is gonna have to be called good. You could always email me to challenge me in keeping my priorities straight as I see you are doing a good fight with it.

9 years ago

I miss your writing. . . But I hope you are finding margin in your days again; we need that. Blessings to you as you fulfill your calling to love the people right next to you.

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