The power of blessing
We can analyze and dissect the power of our words all we want – but the essence of faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
The power of blessing Read More »
We can analyze and dissect the power of our words all we want – but the essence of faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
The power of blessing Read More »
We remember other’s words from years ago, words spoken at critical moments, words that shaped us and our view of ourselves and our course in life.
Question: Do words have power? Read More »
We-the-people are the ones who connect to them, or not. What would it look like if every child in your church had a personal connection to every adult?
Little ones at church Read More »
In a white country church house with six pews on the right and six pews on the left, I formed my first ideas of God and his people.
My church experience Read More »
My children’s virtue is a good aim. When my children’s virtue is about making me look good, I am in the wrong. From this posture I wrote, but with mixed and confusing motives. I could feel but not pinpoint them. I see there can be a heart that is proud of being broken, a heart that looks at the proud people and is so glad it is not like them.
We Christians have always been good at line-drawing, and we are usually the ones who do it best. Or, if we dislike our upbringing, the ones who do it worst. The Catholics are too iconic, the Anglicans too liturgical, the black churches too emotive, the Quakers too quiet, the Methodists too formal, the Pentecostals too hyper, the Mennonites too traditional. Private worship is too individualistic, and public is too contrived or too showy. In the end, is there any good way to worship? that’s unlike what we are comfortable with?
In the past year, I’ve been thinking a lot about worship. Before I share my thoughts, I’m curious about your own experience in worshipping Jesus. What is worship like for you?
Words about worship: your turn Read More »
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not have needs
He maketh me to be just fine, thank you, and I have it covered
What you said did not hurt me and what you did does not make me angry
But I have a friend you could pray for, she is really having a hard time…
I saw a woman bent under a weighty Burden, staggering up a hill toward a clouded sky. When she turned her head to look once over her shoulder, I saw that the face was mine. Atop the hill was a cross, and on the cross a Man upon whose face she could not bear to
I probably look like I always love him and I never doubt And for many months this can be true For many months the thought of him is sweet and I believe his words and am So happy to be part of his family The Bible is alive and the Lord’s Supper full of
Monday’s confession of faith Read More »