

For the beginning of the story, review preceding posts here (Dreams) and here (Deferral). ***** Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life (Prov 13:12). Fall arrived. And there came a clear point when one spell broke, and I knew I had turned the corner. Who can […]

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Election Day 2012

The polls are open, the herds are flocking, the propagandists are yakking, the candidates are sweating, the fortune tellers are celebrating (or self-destructing). And in Meadville, Pennsylvania, the sheriff’s office takes a holiday. This is singularly unfortunate considering that Shari did not have the holiday in mind, and must contact this office for one missing

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Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life (Prov 13:12). Confession: When I found this one, I fell hard. It was a big old home on Hunter Road, tall and square and weathered gray—huge beautiful windows and a wraparound, falling-down porch. Needs work. Sitting vacant. Ryan

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November 4 is a golden day in Zook history—the day Jesus fulfilled our impossible dream. Once upon a time, our family lived on a little brick street in Meadville, Pennsylvania. It was a darling little street, daffodils in the spring, fresh grass all summer, salmon and flame leaves in the fall, deep cold drifts through

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On Halloween

Confession: This time of year, I cannot go to the store without feeling ashamed for humanity. I don’t get it. I consider Americans (the ones I meet in my small city) to be humane, civil, and compassionate. What possesses us, that this one month of the year we otherwise-sane human beings suddenly find gore and

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