Baptism of a firstborn

Aarick is shown here with us, and with grandparents John & Barb Coblentz. Missing his other set of grands, who would have liked to be there too.

He is still young,

Fourteen this month,

But his faith is his own.

He stands handsome in black and white,


His hands in his pockets.

He speaks truth

About his walk with God

And who he is

Before the water,

The cool and healing water,

Runs down his hair and splashes on the floor.

I did not know what I would feel,

Except pride,

But suddenly I shook and cried.

Like a birth, this end of child bearing,

This beginning of him walking to

The Father on his own.

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Sharon Yoder
5 years ago

A man born of God is a beautiful thing. You captured the simplicity and profundity of the moment.

Regina S
5 years ago

That’s so wonderful Shari! I love it when young people get baptized. Thank you for sharing with us.

5 years ago

Yes! That is how it is!

5 years ago

Beautiful! ????

5 years ago

You said it perfectly.

5 years ago

I remember the feeling. The awe that God could take our mistakes and make something beautiful. I cry remembering. And I cry with every one of them. Not just the first. It inspires awe every time.

5 years ago


5 years ago

It was a beautiful service and the testimonies of those dear young people were moving. I love the analogy!

[…] I felt like I felt at his baptism, […]

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