An invitation to join my book launch team

Dear people,

I’m building a launch team for my new book, and I’m wondering if you’d like to partner with me by joining it!

Peanut Butter and Dragon Wings: A Mother’s Search for Grace will debut on July 6, but anyone who’s on the launch team will get a sneak peek at the manuscript ahead of time, and a chance to help spread the word.

– peanut butter fixes a lot of things –

You might qualify for the team if:

  1. Either you know me in person – or you think you would like me if you did (best guess, I mean; you never know),
  2. You are willing to talk about my book, and
  3. You have a specific place in mind where you would like to talk about it.

“Talking about it” might include live video on your Facebook page, a little sales pitch at an in-person gathering of ladies at your church, a review on your own blog, a set of personal emails to people you know, some copies bought as gifts for your sisters-in-law, or whatever comes to mind.

That’s it. You don’t need a large platform (one of my least favorite words), just a place to talk.

– my original “dragon’s wing” –

If you join the team, you’ll be added to a Facebook group that will stay active until the launch of the book on July 6, or shortly thereafter as we wrap up and celebrate. (I know not all of you are on Facebook, so I’ll consider exceptions – but that forum feels best all around because you’ll be able to talk to each other, not only to me.) You’ll be sent a link to read a pre-copy of the book online for free, very soon. We may do some book-club-style readings and public discussions in the group, where you can share your insights and questions with me and others on the team… And I’ll ask you to share about the book in the circles you can, prior to its official publication.

– how i wore it for many days, that horrible winter –

If you are stressing out just reading this, for any of fifteen reasons I can think of, including “I’m waaaayyy too shy,” “I’d rather promote my own book,” or “My relationship with Shari is complicated,” please close your browser and walk away with a clear conscience and a deep breath, honey. But if it sounds easy and fun, it might be right for you.

And here’s one complication I can help you with.

Problem: How do you know if you’re going to love this book?

Solution: You don’t have to love it to talk about it. You can offer constructive criticism, glowing reviews, snotnosed pushback, or whatever strikes your fancy. But by joining the group, you’re offering to talk about it in the ways you can. I’ll offer creative ideas for sharing along the way, but I’m not going to arm-twist you to share in any way that makes you uncomfy.

– have some? –

I will be selecting team members soon. I’ve put a few fun questions on my Facebook author page, which is where you can apply. So convince me. ???? I can’t pick everybody, but you’ve got a good chance.

(My son lit up at the questions idea, and offered to write them for me – depth testing along the lines of “Write five paragraphs summarizing your political views,” “How likely are you to share a controversial opinion on social media?” and “What’s the biggest conspiracy theory you’ve fallen for?” Needless to say, I fired him before I hired him.)

I’ve created a few social media places that are wide open for everyone to follow what’s happening with me and my book. If you’re active on the following sites, take a look at

Look at me trying out so many new forums.

(The last is an open door for those of you I don’t know in real life, who’ve been open-heartedly friending me on Facebook, bless you. My personal account is kept for IRL connections, but I’d love to see you on this one!)

– it’s harder than you think to take a picture of yourself in a scarf, and my teenager refused to help at the time. here i am wearing my “don’t look now, but there’s a spider descending from the ceiling behind you” face. –

Last but not least, I’m so excited to say that Peanut Butter and Dragon Wings is available for preorder on Amazon. Check it out here. If you preorder a copy, you will receive the book two or three weeks before July 6 (the formal release date is when it will appear on retail bookshelves). I’d be thrilled to have you leave me an Amazon review someday, but you can’t do that until the launch date or after, or else it looks veeerrrrry fishy to the robots running these things, so hang onto your words and I’ll remind you when that’s an option.

Thanks for considering joining my launch team! Again, my Facebook author page is the place to apply. I’ll meet you there.



UPDATE: I will be making the pre-reading link available by email to people who are not on Facebook, who would like to help spread the word on my book by other means. I just feel bad because you’ll miss the fun of interacting with the team, but if you’re up for it I am. Let me know if you’d like to be on that list.

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3 years ago

I would offer to help promote your book, but I don’t actually read books. I just let my wife describe them to me and then I talk as if I’ve read them. Good luck, though.

3 years ago

So so so excited about this! Just now buzzed over to join your FB group. I love the sloppy peanut butter wings–so relieved they chose them– and your fun new glasses. ????

Martha Hess
3 years ago

I would LOVE to talk about your new your book to my 5 sisters/in-laws and to my 100 ppl plus email group! Why, because I am a huge fan of your writing here so I’m just sure I will have to love your book, because I Love reading and discussing books, and because I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER!!! ????. But I do not use Facebook or social media at all actually so that might knock me out of the options. ????

3 years ago

As an avid follower of your blog who has often been humored, challenged, enlightened & convicted, I eagerly await this book release. I have been known to quote Shari Zook to my family. ????
I’ll do my own private promotional to the five mothers among my four sisters and four sisters in law.????

Shaunda Stoltzfus
3 years ago

I am a cheer leader in this effort, no questions asked. BUT Book Launch Team….now that sounds a little official and intimidating. EEEeekkkkks. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Shari Zook

Just wait. I missed the part about chocolate. I knew that I would really miss out if I didn’t join.

Regina Shea
3 years ago

I’d love to join but I don’t have Facebook. I have a blog and Instagram but it sounds like its a great book.

Regina Shea
3 years ago

I would like to be on the email list Shari. Thank you for making that option available.

Marlene Stoltzfus
3 years ago

You can probably guess that I am the sort to eagerly read this book but easily squeamished about joining launch teams. 🙂 So a huge congratulations, and I am so excited that you’ve reached this milestone! I LOVE the cover, just love it. (Been wanting to say that for oh, a couple of months now; and also that I like your new glasses. Which two things I see also surfaced in Anita’s comment, ha.)

Danette Martin
3 years ago

This type of interesting and hard-to-say-no-to invitation always comes up just after I determine to knuckle down for real and concentrate on my own book project. So…that means I won’t be joining your book launch team, but I will be rooting for you in my (silent) cheering section, nonetheless. I’m sooo excited for you!! And you’d better believe it I will read that book first chance I get.

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