Owning home

Confession: I can’t help but wonder if it is this way for everyone—
if the sound of singing at your own church on a Sunday morning
is deep comfort
and healing
like the smell of your own home
and the feel of your favorite blanket.

We returned to sorrow and joy interwoven: birth and healing, loss and death.

Three of my dearest friends have given birth this summer to beautiful baby girls. Welcome to the world, Frieda Rebekah Cassandra. May you each become as lovely as your mother.

It is so good to be home.


I posted a family picture from our week on my About Me page, and updated Current Reading.

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11 years ago

Yay, you’re back with lots to write about! Bring it on! :))

11 years ago

I’m lovin’ the graffiti background. Great family picture.

Rach Eicher
11 years ago

I haven’t forgotten you or your e-mail…. computer crashing and busy schedule is to blame. Soon! 🙂 Good to have you back!

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