Winners: Thirty Little Fingers

Dear people,

Thank you for joining the giveaway for Sheila Petre’s book Thirty Little Fingers! It’s awfully fun having more than one winner – we have five to announce! But I’m going to wait as long as possible to tell you who they are {grin}.

First, you asked for a picture of Sheila, and here it is. This family photo of the Petre’s was taken in July, when their student Z from Bahrain was back to visit for a month.

And here’s Sheila with her baby, in October.

If any of you live near the New Holland area of Pennsylvania, you may be interested in stopping by Sheila’s book signing on Saturday, January 6. The address is 147 N Shirk Road, New Holland, and the hours are 10:00 – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm. She’d be delighted to meet you.

Now, for the correct answers to this hard quiz you took! You did a great job. Numbers five and ten were astonishingly tricky to guess – only five correct answers on each, out of seventy or more tests.

  1. The Boundaries of an Odor (Story)
  2. A Camel in the Night (Story)
  3. Domestic in Early Winter (Poem)
  4. Domestic in Late Winter (Story)
  5. How Often Overwhelmed (N/A – Sheila says she has often been overwhelmed in her life; but she has not written this kind of poetry about it to date.)
  6. Incidents in a Paper-Chain Factory (Story)
  7. Love, Prayer, and a Muslim Daughter (Story)
  8. Mixed Pickle (Recipe)
  9. Supermom and the Super Glue (Story – one of my favorites!)
  10. Yes, You May Come to Dinner, if You Don’t Mind Eating under the Kitchen Sink (Poem – I know: Can even Sheila write a poem with such a fabulously impossible title? Now you’ll have to buy a book just to see how she does it.)

Two people tied for the highest score, with eight answers correct – Congratulations to Julie and Amy! You will each be receiving a complimentary book in the mail.

Nine more people tied at seven – which reduced me to pulling out a trusty hat and putting their names in it, to pull the remaining three winners. At least it wasn’t a hat exactly, it was a sock; but it was entirely trusty. Of those, the winning three are Dorcas Miller, Irene, and Katie R. Congrats! You will also receive a free book to enjoy.

Honorable mention to the others who answered seven correctly: Cor, Rachel Kanagy, Beth, Edith, takingonestepatatime, and deepeight.

Remember, Thirty Little Fingers can be purchased for $13 each (that price includes shipping), or $11 each when ordering five copies or more. PA residents should add 6% sales tax. Make checks payable to Sheila Petre. To order, contact Sheila at PO Box 127, Mercersburg, PA 17236, or [email protected].

Great job to all you ladies – thank you so much for having fun with us and our quiz! You’re the best!

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6 years ago

I’m actually the first one to comment this time! 🙂
Anyway, congratulations to all who won Sheila Petre’s book, and I hope to be able to read it sometime! I hoped I’d win, but I didn’t…so, I’m glad YOU won!!

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