Why my family likes Christmas

  1. Festivity/ merrymaking
  2. Family
  3. Theology—God in flesh
  4. Childhood memories, and creating them for your own children
  5. Gifts to give and receive
  6. What Christmas does to society—happiness and goodwill
  7. Coziness—hot drinks, fires, atmosphere, aroma
  8. Tradition—décor, food
  9. Anticipation
  10. Music

Confession: The comments on this blog are at least as worth reading as the blog itself. That’s why I like all of you so very much.

This week we’ll talk Christmas more, complete with a few recipes, a craft or two, and some time-tested traditions. You will help me celebrate; I will help you think. How’s that for a bargain?

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Janelle Glick
11 years ago

Bring it on. I like you for helping me think. 🙂

Joanna Yoder
11 years ago

I have had more than my share of Scrooge attitude at this time of the year. A huge contributor to it is that I LOVE the rich meaning of Thanksgiving, and positively DESPISE the way that wonderful holiday is swallowed up by Christmas every year. I tend to take out my frustrations at the commercialization of Christmas in Scrooge-like ways. 🙁
I think the two things that have kept me from completely shunning this important Holy Day, are my husband and our children. My husband’s love language is gift-giving; his enthusiasm about Christmas (and his birthday!) is child-like & contagious. Our children, thank God, have inherited more of his wide-eyed excitement and less of my cynical eye-rolling. Their combined response to the decorations, the cookies, the multiple nativities around the house, the music, the shopping (UGH!!!) and the inevitable traveling to be with family, helps to keep me balanced.
I embrace your frank revelation of your struggle to enjoy this season, because I understand and I have been there. I welcome your thoughts, and look forward to hearing more from you and your readers.

Mama Zook
11 years ago
Reply to  Joanna Yoder

You’ve said it well, also!

11 years ago

I love Christmas . . . but we usually have very quiet ones . . . with family far away, and not inclined to travel to be with us, and us not able to afford traveling due to Dh’s lack of work, we celebrate with the best meal we can put together, the Christmas story, carols, and candles and so on. The day after Christmas, we put up our “New Year’s Tree” (following the Russian/Ukrainian traditions of our adopted daughter’s birth countries) and let the decorating begin. 😉 We leave the tree up usually through the end of January . . . and by then, we are tired of it and ready to have a little room back in the already full living room! So out with the “old” and start to get things freshened up and ready for SPRING. 😉

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