To a lifetime friend

Someday we will look back on these days and say to ourselves,

In our cracked old voices,

Well, honey, I don’t know how we did it

Back then.

We lived together for a week, was it?

And cooked meals together for thirteen mouths.

All those little ones running and needing and getting bellyaches

And tracking in water and grass from the creek

But still we sewed seven dresses together, didn’t we?

And our men got all that work done on the house

And we couldn’t stop talking.

Remember when we went to the lake, and the world was so blue?

And then the deep forest, the living emerald and the great stones and the sunlight?

The song of that hermit thrush, how clear and close?

We surely made a prodigious amount of kids.

They were all so sad to separate

And our men had their last discussions about practicalities

And we cried

A little

That it was over so soon,

That it had been so good and bright.

I don’t know how we did it, dearie, all that parenting and working,

But I wouldn’t trade the gift

For anything.

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Linda Miller
4 years ago

She looks like your mother. Are you related? LRM

4 years ago

Ah, my dears! Looking at that first picture, I knew it was of little Delwyns and Beccas! Looked like so much fun!

4 years ago

Two lovely ladies. Back in the day…we’ve come so far.

4 years ago

I think the best part was togetherness in the middle of all this isolation stuff; a pure gift. ???? Thanks from our hearts, it’s the simple things that matter most.

Can I have a cookie?
And another one?
Maybe another?

Pink please

4 years ago

Reminds me of way back in the day….
Our cousins would come to visit us from Ohio and we would go visit them from VA, by turns, once a year. Their family was 6 boys and 3 girls, ours was 6 girls and 3 boys.
Now I wonder how my mom and aunt did it?!
Neither of us had houses that were extra big. In fact they were about big enough for our own families. I don’t remember any fuss made over it. We had the best of times.
I wonder about the food it took? Oh my. Makes me tired to think about it.
I’m glad you made memories for your children. (Your “prodigious amount” is only half of what we were. Lol)
Vacations are a great blessing during this trying time of COVID.

4 years ago

Sounds and looks the best kind of time.

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