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10 years ago

I like to think that it will all add up, we won’t even have to ask, “Why?” When we stand in His presence, our joy will be whole and the picture will be complete. I’m a stranger to you, but I’ve been following your blog for quite a while. I love your inspirations. Keep on keeping on!

10 years ago

Oh my…..I have been thinking through this too, lately. After years of misunderstanding, a relative and I are at a place where we talk through some of the struggles and hurts we have had through the years. It is healing but so sad that we missed each other’s hearts all those years! It’s made me think of heaven in light of the relationships I’m still struggling with now. What will I discover there? What will I see that will change my perspective entirely?

10 years ago

Thought provoking! And now I wonder too. Looking forward to finding out someday. 🙂
A little bunny trail here, but I also wonder how if it’s true that our loved ones who’ve passed away can see us down here, do they only see happy wedding days, commitments made for Christ, new healthy grandbabies, etc? Because how could they see anger lashed out, injustices to others, hidden sins, etc without feeling sad because there’s no sadness there?

10 years ago

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Rev 21
Passed away!!! no longer in our thoughts or consciousness. ? I trust He will work it all out.
Oh the glories up there. One things esp I am looking forward to, no more separation. I live apart from all my relatives. Of course I have a wonderful church family here, but it is so hard to say goodby…………

10 years ago

It says he will wipe them away which means there will be tears.

10 years ago

Exactly! Maybe there WILL be tears! Maybe I’m off my rocker, but the idea in Revelation is in the context of negative emotions. What about tears that come because of healing or joy?

10 years ago

I don’t know the answer to your question; but as we ponder it, it should compel us to resolve any issues we have relationally, so we can love well. Love the shape!

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