I have a severe case of poison ivy on my wrist
And a new set of daffodils blooming in my flowerbeds
And a six-year-old filling an empty bed at night
He is utterly precious
I have a quiet place to sit and pray
And a son returning to camp from a beautiful home visit
And a heartful of gratitude for people to help me raise my kids,
Who are everything
I have passion for advocating for little ones in pain
And a voice growing in skill to speak on their behalf
And a schedule lined again with appointments and outings
I am full
I have something to give to children in need
And I need something for my own children
And I will never be free of this glorious chain: the needy and the needed
We pass it down
I don’t often comment here, because often I have more feelings than words at the end of your posts.
This however is simply, though complexly, beautiful, and that I know how to say.
Keep writing!
I agree with the commenter above….your writing is so often what I would want to say but am not able to put into words…….for about 6 months now, I have had the privilege of caring days for an immigrant child so his mother can work to put food on the table……this is the poem I feel. We have our own child with special needs (developmental/mental) and somehow, God has definitely called my husband and I to both. I would be a smaller, meaner woman without these children. Such a fierce love for my own, to be sure, but now also, such an almost involuntary love/passion/calling for children who so easily could slip through the cracks in society and become the next criminal aggressors. I didn’t see that emotion coming when I started with this. But now if there’s a derogatory or critical comment thrown at underprivileged children, I have my opportunity to give my perspective of the immense worth and dignity of each child God’s made…..of the way none of us chose our place in this world, of the call to be the hands and feet of Christ, to serve Christ by serving the least of these……because we are also the least of these……no added worth because of our heritage and wealth…….my sweet little chocolate son has no idea how much he has changed me……
Also, Shari, I want to encourage you that although sometimes you may field comments along the lines of needing to put your own children first…..caring for others might be neglecting your own, while a mother certainly needs to be aware of this potential, caring for other children can be a very positive experience for your whole family. Our children had a hard time with a new member in the family at times, but they have also had their eyes opened to so many great truths that are giving them a healthy head start on life. Giving them the chance to help care for others has broadened their hearts in such a beautiful way! Our son with the developmental/mental special needs had the hardest time but has grown the most. Somehow, it took his mind off himself and his struggles and focused it on someone else’s needs…….aren’t we all in need of that sometimes??☺️
I plan to print this out and hang it by my kitchen sink. Thank you for writing it!! God bless you richly, Shari!
Thank you, Sherri. I hear your passion… it’s a good word. Bless you.
Kendra, you took the words right off my fingertips! Shari, I love how much you convey without saying it outright. Always good to hear from you, though I wouldn’t have blamed you for taking a longer break. Giving birth to your Good Friday masterpiece had to be exhausting! Happy to hear that you and your new son have each other to help fill empty places in your hearts. Several of your recent posts have shaken the nonsensical yet deeply engrained notion that to need is to have nothing to give. Thank-you! It brightens my perspective of myself and people in general.
Thank you. 🙂
Thank you, Kendra. <3