puppies sleeping in basket

Puppy love

In the skinny little dark hours of March 6, my husband and I groggily awoke to the sound of someone in distress. It was a cross between a wail and a howl, truly panicked. Ryan stumbled out of bed. That is how we divide up roles in this family: he takes care of things at night, I keep the covers warm. He found all the kids quiet, and came back to me to whisper, “Honey, I think it’s your dog.”

Then I leaped.

purebred shih tzu skye

(Just a side note in case you are wondering: I do love my kids more than my dog. But I trust my husband more with my kids than with my dog, if that makes sense. Not that he’s not capable with dogs. Not at all. Just saying some of us can and some of us can’t.)

I didn’t expect the birthday quite this soon, but Skye was due within days and everything was ready. We hustled down the stairs and found her in her bed. When we called, she came to us willingly enough, agile and wagging. I gave Ryan my best stare, the one I save for being-called-out-of-my-bed-for-no-reason (see also: besides-you-are-dead-wrong). “You thought it was HER making that noise?”

And then right at my feet – “Yeeeeeeoooooowwwwwww!”

It was her all right, and ten minutes later, we helped her first puppy into the world.

(Ryan admitted to feeling slightly vindicated.)

twelve day old puppies

These four cuties represent a whole lot of dreaming and hard work for me. They’re my project, from brainstorming to funding, which is a big deal when one spends most of one’s work hours uncompensated.

I am so happy. And they are the darlingest!

lexi in shoe

Our dog Skye is purebred Shih Tzu, and the sire we found is purebred Toy Poodle, which makes these guys ShihPoos. Sometimes they’re called Shihdoodles, or just Teddy Bear Dogs.

In the next weeks, I’ll be regularly sharing pictures and video of our puppies on their website, Skye House Puppies, as well as on Instagram and Facebook. I’d love to have you follow me there if you’re interested in doggies! The website has a lot of info and photos of the puppies – the stories of their names and distinctives – and a blog as well.

We will be looking for homes for them in a few weeks. ShihPoos are not cheap dogs; I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing; but for our part, we truly love the Shih Tzu breed, and Skye has been well worth what we spent for her. She’s been amazingly gentle, responsive, and family-friendly. Adding the Poodle part makes grooming a little simpler, genetics a lot stronger, and cuteness over the moon.

max five days old

I’m not planning to mix my little dog-raising habit into this blog in ongoing ways (or decrease my interest here, I promise!) but I did want to hat-tip my other hobby going on and give you a chance to watch the process if you’d like to.

– Shari

Credit to Mr. Zook of Zook Computer for his amazing setup of the Skye House website. I think I might be falling in love with him just a little bit but shhh.

I’d love to hear what kind of dog breed you love best, and why. I was just getting started on all I like about Shih Tzu.

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Mom Coblentz
4 years ago

Almost thou persuadest me to have a dog!

4 years ago
Reply to  Mom Coblentz

I think Max would be perfect for you! ????????

Becky Wadel
4 years ago

We currently have a litter of beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog puppies. They’re 6 wks and sooo roly poly!! They look like little black bears playing in the yard! It would be hard to choose a favorite but these come close!

4 years ago

Shih Tzu’s are THEE best dogs in the world! My parents have one pure bred and one half (mixed with Maltese) and they breed them with Maltese.They are seriously the cutest pups ever and are exceedingly expensive out here in Phoenix! Shih Tzu’s are incredibly smart and loving!

4 years ago
Reply to  Shari Zook

American Eskimos are our first love when it comes to dogs. Ours is 13 and almost blind. But I will say, our Aussie/ Border Collie/ Retreiver mutt is also amazing in an annoying, high energy sort of way. ????

Debra Tuskovich
4 years ago

Hi. When I saw that you were writing about shih tzus I had to send you a message. Our 1st shih tzu Jake we got back in 2003. Our 2nd Bella we got in 2013. She is our little princess. Then when Jake heartbreakingly passed in 2016 (we were at his side when he took his last breath) we got Toby who is the class clown. These dogs are more than family they are our very existence. It’s very true when someone said “your dog doesn’t live with you you live with your dog.”

Millie Briand
4 years ago

I have an adorable Shih Tzu/Havanese mix that I adopted from a rescue group named Blossom. She is so smart and loves playing with toys. She will be 5 April 1st and I can’t believe the time has gone by so quickly.

Joy Weaver
4 years ago
Reply to  Shari Zook

Awww, dogs…had many dogs over the years , (I am 63). Can’t say which is my favorite…we have a chin-poo now about 9 years old, definitely not the cutest dog, but he sure is loyal…wants to lick my tears, wants to lay on the foot of my bed when I am sick, wants to go with me in the car and when I go away overnight, he refuses to go to his bed, just stays down in our family room waiting for me…I do think shih tzu are really cute

Betty Beard
4 years ago

Years ago I raised two litters of Shih Tzus, and also raised their mom and dad. They are great little dogs–mixing poodle with them sounds like a fabulous idea!

Regina S
4 years ago

Gasp! Those puppy are sooo cute! ????
I think my favorite would be a golden retriever because they are such sweet doggies. Our friend is coming this weekend with her two golden retreivers. Our cat Kirstie likes to scare the younger retriever named Tashia. Last time they were here Kirstie had cornered the dog in the laundry room and wouldn’t let her pass. All the poor dog could do was whimper until we came and removed Kirstie who kept hissing. We think she enjoys torturing Tashia.????

Shirley M Murray
4 years ago

I absolutely love Shihtzus.i have a Shihtzu Maltese. He is the best dog I have ever owned. I was told by my doctor I needed a therapy dog and he certainly fits the bill. He never let’s me out of his sight. I would like to find a female but I’m having a hard time finding one in my area.

Mike Angel
4 years ago

I just lost my Shih Tzu and miss her so much.(13yrs) I would like to adopt 1 if you are near Florida. Yours are precious.

B Nisly
4 years ago

I’m glad you talked about your puppies. 🙂 I continue to tell my family that I, who was once a non pet person, would enjoy having a house dog, though would definitely want a non shedding breed. (They aren’t convinced, yet. 😀 ) I’m looking forward to seeing how this mix looks as they get older so feel free to post more pics. 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  B Nisly

Thank you! I just might. 😉

4 years ago


must’ve been a stink’in cute male involved.

4 years ago

p.s. your puppy website is just perfect.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shaunda

Thank you darlin. Also for the use of the cute male. ????

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