Fourth happiness
4. When one of my children takes a completely free-choice step toward Good. …and a bonus, because this one cannot be left out: 5. When we sing.
4. When one of my children takes a completely free-choice step toward Good. …and a bonus, because this one cannot be left out: 5. When we sing.
Confession: Sometimes I hate what I am doing. Yesterday was one of those days for me. By the kids’ bedtime I was frazzled and ready to snap. Here is one of the holy escapes I have found: I head for the road. I call it a holy escape, though the sins that lead to it
On sanctification and night driving Read More »
Confession: I love my town. I never thought I would say that, when as a bride I moved from fast-paced, up-to-date central Ohio to backwater Meadville. But I say it now, and every time I return from an absence I say it again. I love my town. I’m so happy I live here. Now that
Confession: I used to shop at Wal-Mart. When I was a teenager I actually liked it. Last year in the worst of my struggle with depression, I had lots of shopping-related lows, and Wal-Mart seemed worst of all to me… a forced immersion into pop values, consumerism, and futility. Of course I had heard rumblings
Learning to choose Read More »
Confession: I’ve never liked the Serenity Prayer. Anything that overused, she thought, has to turn to rot after a while. And it seems too… serene. A little folding of the hands to rest. Last month at the local ladies seminar I read the whole prayer, for the first time, and it made all the difference. It
Learning to be reasonably happy Read More »
Confession: I don’t know how to celebrate Easter. I want to make it a special holiday for my children, but I don’t know how. I want to make it more than a chocolate bunny, more than an early service at church, which both are fine, but heretofore the extent of our festivities. Isn’t heretofore a marvelous
Learning to celebrate Read More »
Confession: I don’t read enough Scripture. I could say I’m a busy mom, what do I expect? but it wasn’t easier before the kids. I find I have to overcome not just a physical hurdle (getting to a quiet corner), but a mental one. There are always a thousand objections to doing what I ought.
Learning to listen Read More »
Confession: I love to learn. This blog is a place for me to talk about learning: fresh ways I am finding hope and energy. I feel most alive when I am discovering something new, stretching my skill set, researching something I’m not good at, taking a step toward living what I have come to care