Logistical: On comments

Confession: All day yesterday, while I didn’t hear a word from one of you, the Lord was saying to me Is it enough that I approve of you?

And all day I was saying to Him Yes in a loud voice and No in a quiet voice.

Last night we realized that my comment section was disabled.

Ryan found and recovered the sweet words that you were trying to leave, and he fixed the broken place so you can talk to me again. He had changed my domain address since my last post. The word he used to describe the likely result for my readers and I was seamless but I see there was a seam after all. I would look for a new tech guy but I can’t find another so cute.

He owes me. But we’re leaving soon on a brief anniversary trip and so I think he is planning on paying up.

We probably owe you too. But you may not come along.

Also, if for some reason you don’t get an email notification when you know I’ve posted new content, and if this makes you unhappy instead of relieved, please check your junk email folder and approve Confessions as a friend. The email address my blog is sending from is different. I’m still the same. (Thirty-two years old and savvy on the outside, five years old and insecure on the inside.)

Thank you for bearing once again with his—uh, with our technical difficulties during this time. If he weren’t in it with me there would be a whole lot more of them.

I thought you were just freaking out about the food coloring.

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9 years ago

Nope, with a cake that pretty who cares that it contains enough food coloring to send my children over the edge.

Enjoy the anniversary trip. 🙂

9 years ago

Ahem. Just to clarify, the domain change was *not* the source of much travail.

My efforts to block the pesky spammers who pretended to want email notifications had some unintended consequences. Well, those spammers were stopped. Unfortunately, so were your comments.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. With apologies.

9 years ago

This made me smile. Because I understand the “enough” conversation. Because sometimes I wonder if I would be better off if comments and likes and blog statistics would all be disabled at once. Because just when I think He IS enough, I want more…..

Spammers are such a pain! I finally gave up and moderated comments.

9 years ago

Oh Shari, that is what I love about your blog.
“I’m still the same. (Thirty-two years old and savvy on the outside, five years old and insecure on the inside.)”
I do have this growing question though.
We need to be real and as my nephew likes to say not just ‘act’ mature! but doesn’t Scripture call us to perfection?………
I need to get busy and do some digging and finding out God’s truth. I don’t question He wants us to be real, but you get my dilemma?

Mama Zook
9 years ago
Reply to  Shari Zook

Yes, Shari, that totally makes sense! Thanks for clarifying for me! I guess we all feel a sense of trembling when we talk about the areas of life that we do not have all together. Wondering if we should take comfort in trembling together!

9 years ago

Hoping your anniversary trip is fabulously relaxing and rejuvenating. I’m glad you got this glitch taken care of BEFORE the getaway. 😉

9 years ago

Yes. So that we can talk about them while they are gone. 🙂

9 years ago

Oh this made me laugh!

Have a wonderful anniversary trip.

Ruth Anna
9 years ago

Sometimes….I wish I had HALF your energy! I can’t imagine having the time or energy time to bake such a delightful looking cake. (she states jealously) =) And I don’t even have any kids! I do have 16 littles that I’m in my care for 6 hours a day…..but still! Anyway, may beautiful cakes continue…hope the anniversary trip is great! =)

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