In which my year begins with worship

One day I sit down to think about myself,
and find he draws my heart into
his own

Who You Are


  • I am in You and You in me.
  • Everything that I have ever done, or experienced, has happened inside of You.
  • I am never alone – and never out of your sight.
  • At any moment I may come upon your presence as you reveal yourself to me.


  • You never regret or sin. You are One.
  • What You were, You are and always will be.


  • No person, no situation, is outside your care.
  • I am always in your heart – and your plans for me are good.
  • You made me to be Yours.


  • You are the only Upright in a world of slant.
  • Let God be true, and every man a liar.
  • You are purity incarnate.

All Wise

  • You know me intimately: my then, my now, my after – as you know all that is in the universe.
  • All knowledge is yours, and all our knowing comes from you.
  • You always know what to do.
  • And you see with perfect eyes.


What do you love about Jesus?

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Joy Weaver
4 years ago

Oh, what I love about Jesus….He knows and understands my deepest fears….

Regina S
4 years ago

He loves me even though I’m a mess at times, and is available 24/7. He doesn’t tell me my singing is awful because I sing off key. ????

Gladys Rohrer
4 years ago

Jesus doesn’t take advantage of my weakness, instead He feels for me and is always ready to help. Thank you Shari for writing. This true picture of Jesus makes it more exciting to pray. He is so near and interested in my situation!

Lucinda J
4 years ago

I love him because he first loved me.

Also, he knows me better than I know myself, and he LIKES me that way.

Your poetry is beautiful.

4 years ago

I love that He never changes in any aspect. I love His mercy, His humanity. Immanuel, God with us, and within us. What a gift!

4 years ago

One of the things I love about Him —- He knows just what I need .. He satisfies and every need supplies …

A friend just gave me a book by Ruth Chou Simons, Beholding and Becoming, The Art or Everyday Worship. It includes hand lettered verses and beautiful watercolor art work .. wish I knew how to include pictures in my comment so I could share with you the beauty! I’m so excited to read it and learn more about worshipping in the every day beauty of His holiness and His creation!

Twila Beachy
4 years ago

I love Him because He’s so intimately interested in every detail of my life & the lives of my dear family. When I feel so helpless & can’t “fix” a situation or “help my children”, I can just give it to Him, & He blesses me with sweet peace! I feel Him whisper hope to me in the middle of the storm . And lo! He causes the storm to pass, & blesses me with joy once again! Yet He accepts me, stumbling & failing , even though He is perfectly holy! Shari, Jesus is my everything and I love Him!!!

4 years ago

I love His gentle tenacity and staggering generosity.

4 years ago

No partiality…waits for me while I flounder and forget to turn to Him. His sacrifice is staggering!! Jesus understands our human weaknesses. He is an awesome Lord!

4 years ago

He is always present.. He gives calm peace in the midst of swirling turmoil without… He meets me where I am . He has won the ultimate victory and gives us His resurrection power to overcome. Thank YOu , Jesus!

4 years ago

We sang an old, old poem put to music very recently. It blessed me so. Your poetry reminds me of it.

Not because Jesus saves us from hell. Not because of all the blessings He gives. But I love Him because He is my Eternal King!

If you’d like to check it out, our chorus was posted on Facebook under Osceola Christian Fellowship.

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