Book Signing in Lancaster

Hey guys,

I will do a real blog post soon. Promise. But this is a quick note to let you know that I will be in Lancaster on March 25, teaming up with two lovely Smucker ladies for a book signing.

We are excited about our venue too – Piccadilly Coffee & Tea House. I haven’t been there before, but it looks pretty cute. Come hungry – there are not only hot drinks, but also some good-looking lunch options. Bring a friend. Stay and chat a while.

And also yes, you are allowed to bring the books you already bought for us to sign, just for the chance to say hi and grab a cuppa. 😉

We’d love to see you there.

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Jolynne Weaver
2 years ago

I sure hope to be there! Jolynne

Rach H
2 years ago

Enjoy! I hope you have a smashing turnout.

I wish this was in my state.

Sharon Rose Brubacher
2 years ago

I’m so excited about meeting you ladies! I’m coming to PA next week from Ontario, Canada with a carload of others, and have asked permission to borrow the vehicle to slip over from REACH to have my book signed and most likely to purchase more. =)

I’ve been a silent reader of your blog, and am always blessed, encouraged, and invited deeper by your (God’s) words. I also get a kick out of your sense of humour and use of sarcasm.

Thank you for sharing your gift with the rest of us.

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