A question about hair

Confession: I’ve been thinking a lot about hair. I don’t know why.

It could be for joy at the new-blown fuzz covering my sister’s head. It might be remembering a little 5-year-old I met, who grew hers out long to donate to Wigs for Kids. It could be that I just tried out a new veil pattern that left my family dubious and my friends howling. It was shaped like a stingray and looked like a cross between Injun Joe and the Pioneer Mama. I really liked it. It could be that…

(But I’m not leading up to a treatise on the head covering. So sorry to disappoint.)

I’m curious—what do you think about the hair of a lady? And more specifically, about your own? If you could use three words to describe it (or your wife’s–I have to put this in so my coonskin-cap-wearing friend Merle knows he can join the conversation) what would they be? Don’t be shy now.

You may post anonymously if you wish, using your age in place of a name. I might know who you are, but I promise not to tell. Example:

Long, straight, boring

Silky, classy, gorgeous

Short, silver, low-maintenance

Blonde, curly, pain-in-the-neck

Can you tell me? Nothing you say will be used against you. I promise.

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11 years ago

“Numbered by Him” I know these aren’t all adjectives, but you didn’t say they had to be so I took my liberties. Don’t know how He ever kept track of mine with all it’s coming and going.

11 years ago

Now I feel obligated. I can think of a few words, but I would probably blush writing them here. The Bible says long hair is a woman’s glory. Ok, now there’s a word I can endorse. Glorious, glorious, GLORIOUS! (there’s your three words) Why any woman would like short hair is beyond my wildest comprehension.

Dorcas Byler
11 years ago
Reply to  Merle

Maybe it is because you never had long hair. I had no hair for awhile. When it grew back and was about the length of men’s hair–I confess, I marveled at the ease of caring for it! But I am very grateful to have my hair back, and will happily comb it, even if it takes more time. But yes, I do understand why women like short hair.

11 years ago
Reply to  Dorcas Byler

Okay, let me rephrase that. Why any man would like women to have short hair is beyond my wildest comprehension!

11 years ago

long, thin, frustrating!

BUT I’m thankful I have it. I have a friend who has none. At all. I think a wig would be much more frustrating than my wayward hair.

11 years ago

Long, straight, easy-to-manage

11 years ago

Red, straight, dry

11 years ago

Falling Out Fast (it’s called having a baby 🙂 :P)

11 years ago

Brown-with-grey, wavy, coarse, falling out (due to hypothyroidism), almost middle of my back length

11 years ago

Long, dark, indecisive.

That’s because it can’t make up its mind to be straight or wavy, fine or coarse. At thirty-something, I look forward to the gorgeous pure white it will be someday but wish the preview wasn’t quite so soon.

I can testify to the fact that when I prayed in frustration that my hair was *supposed* to be glorious…well, I found some answers on how to deal with it.

11 years ago

My wife’s: Long, rich, mysterious.

11 years ago

black, fun-to-work-with length and thickness, unpredictable. 🙂

11 years ago

I am fascinated with why you’re doing this? 🙂

naturally two-toned, trimmed, wavy

11 years ago

Middle of my back. Dark, extremely curly with a lot of frizz. I have a serious love/hate relationship with my hair.

Marlene Stoltzfus
11 years ago

Exactly what Treva said.

11 years ago

long, beautiful, frustrating

Mom Coblentz
11 years ago

Whine, whine…why can’t we have 6 words?????

Lengthening, thickening, stretching-to-my-finger-tips.

It’s really not supposed to be doing this to a 63 yr old lady…but i have to confess, it’s beautiful!!

11 years ago
Reply to  Mom Coblentz

I love your hair, Barb, and I think Shari should invite you to do a guest post on how to have beautiful, sleek, lengthening, thickening white hair at 63. I’m just 32 and I must confess that I see mine going the other direction much more quickly than I like.

11 years ago

Oooo, I haven’t stopped by here for a while but I LOVE hair. mmmm. Have since I was a little girl.

My own? thin, slippery and flat.

Rachel S
11 years ago

highlighted, shoulder-blade length, straightening iron!

11 years ago

greying, thin, frizzy

11 years ago

fluffy, frizzy, fickle–I say this because it has a mind of its own. I can comb it but still have curls and frizzles wherever they happen to be! I am not one of these ladies that can have their hair look the same and be perfect all the time!! I have always liked my hair though!!

11 years ago

beautiful. red. long.

11 years ago
Reply to  24

I know you.

Brenda Wenger
11 years ago

Long, shiny, gray-white
I am thankful for a head of hair, but when I’m not feeling well, it is so much work to comb!!!! 🙂

58 and counting
11 years ago

“My pet peeve”, “for his benefit”, so he’d better not complain when he finds it “in his dinner”. And “wigs for kids” has been a dream of mine! I’m wondering how God feels about that one?

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