A knock upon the door

My advent assignment yesterday: Write a letter of welcome to Jesus.


Dec 21, 2012


Please stop by my house this afternoon. I just made some hot chocolate; the snow is falling; the house, at last, is peaceful; and I finally sat down.

I think I hear you at the door. You will come in puffing and blowing, your childish hands red with cold. You will track muddy snow onto my just-cleaned floors, and leave a litter of soggy winter accessories hither and yon.

I welcome you.

Help me to meet you with a warm heart and a smili—

[At this exact moment, I had to go let him in. And I smiled and frowned, both. Later…]

ng face, and not to scold too hard when I hear you were walking in an icy creek, completely opposite to my instructions.

Jesus, loving you is messy. I get angry about the painful, muddy bootprints you leave all over my heart. Teach me, this New Year, what love looks like; what emotions lie beneath the pain and anger; and what lies deeper still: the choice to serve hot chocolate.

I love you. Do come.


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Mom Coblentz
11 years ago

Tearing up…thanks.

Mama Zook
11 years ago

Thanks for the glimpse of Jesus coming in…I also want to welcome Him! anytime!
(also gave me some flash back memories of five years in the north, with lots of muddy boots and snow suits in the winter and sandy tennis shoes in the summer, and five little faces all looking like Jesus, I wonder if He always felt welcomed?)

11 years ago

Wonderful!!! Wow, what a great reminder, especially this time of year when we get tired and frazzled at times. Even in those crowded stores, he’s in every one of those faces. Have a wonderful Christmas if I don’t “talk to you” before then. ♥

11 years ago

“what lies deeper still: the choice to serve hot chocolate”.

Oh Amen.

I will share this post on facebook.

11 years ago

Loving Jesus is messy…teach my heart the truth of that!
Merry Christmas!!

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