Summer menu: without images

Thank you for your lovely words about church and little ones.

Take a chunk of meat and cook it over open flame

Drizzle it with the best of barbecue sauces

Until it’s sizzling and moist and just the tiniest bit burnt

Serve it on a plate

With all the veggies you can think of

Sauteed zucchini and fresh green beans

A buttered cob of new corn

Crisp cucumbers and great slabs of heirloom tomatoes

Add a salad made of potatoes or pasta

With celery seed and cool dressings, or

Cut fruit instead, luscious wedges of multicolored melons

And plump sweet cherries

Finish with a toasty marshmallow

On a graham cracker

With generous oozing molten chocolate –

Taste summer.

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6 years ago

I always like words. I enjoy imagining the pictures that your words imply.

6 years ago

I did not expect to sit in this camp…but I found myself drooling over your descriptions more than your pictures. Weird, because I generally don’t like to try a new recipe that doesn’t have a picture.

6 years ago

Definitely words. Their poetry was beautiful and gave my mind plenty of space to imagine. The pictures bothered me because it seemed there is no way they could all be one menu —even though they all looked delicious! Yes, I’m odd like that.
It was fun to have them separate from each other and see how different the effect was!

6 years ago

I also enjoy the word menu. Thank you for the yummy supper!

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