
I guess you know that even when I’m not writing here, I am always writing, in some form or another? Here’s a glimpse into a few things I’ve sent to others in the last week or two.

To a dear sis-in-law:

Aw I LOVE the air plant you sent me! And that cute little log to set it on… It’s on my kitchen window sill and making me happy every time I look at it.

To a friend:

You were NOT blubbering. I totally get what you’re saying and don’t always know how concerned to be for you or for myself. The whole rest of the day I could not think at all… I had dizzy spells and ringing in my ears (okay, once) and felt like a fluffball of mishmash. Now do you think it was the devil or the caffeine or the fact that we talked about not being able to think??!

{Aside to you readers: Please, as you love me, do not give me health advice at this moment. I am already drinking kefir and reading my Bible every day, so I figure I’m covered.}

To an employee on a mission:

I appreciate you thinking of me, but it doesn’t feel like my niche. I have rewritten others’ work in the past, but it’s not my favorite thing; it’s hard for me to catch vision for redoing someone else’s material and perhaps not doing it justice. Of course the other issue is time and energy for taking on an additional project of that size. I’m sorry. For what it’s worth, I think A.Y. or A.Z. should do it. {grin} Both are gifted with eyes for improving literary quality and age appropriateness, and both have shown some historical/ biographical interest or talent.

To the boss:

Leaving to see my dad, hope Jenny sleeps till I return xo

To select church ladies:

I’m sorry to have to cancel the plant swap party entirely. I only had one definite yes, and the rest either had schedule conflicts or weren’t sure… I guess the time of year that the plants are ready is not a very good time for people’s schedules.

To a new colleague:

I am very interested in your little boy. In fact, I have fallen in love with him. He looks like some of my foster children when they wake up their first morning in a new house, and all they have known has been taken away, and all the rules have changed.

To a most loved sister:

You’re a very tough cookie. You’ve been through a lot and aced it. Don’t even think that because you were given the answers to your prayers and these miracle babies and healings and second chances, you should be on easy street or have become some kind of perfect saint. I really believe that the things we most beg God for turn out to be our hardest assignments. Maybe he plants the seeds of our callings in our hearts, and so we ask him for them, and then they are so. much. harder. than we expected. But He is there, and good to us. It’s not hard because we made a wrong choice or arm-twisted him into grudgingly going along with our foolish ideas. It’s hard because it’s his beautiful plan for us, and just what we were made to do. Why do I always end up preaching?!?! #soapboxsister

To a bio mom:

Would you mind texting me when they leave the visit so I know when to expect them back here? I really appreciate you trusting us with your kiddos…They are very sweet and a delight to care for.

To a fellow foster mom, for whom we did respite:

If children’s happiness can be measured by the amount of muddy laundry they produce, I think we can safely call the weekend a success.

To the same:

On second thought it was judgmental of me to say it was “careless of the adult.”

To our babysitter:

Let us know what you think, and thanks for considering.

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Linda Stoltzfus
7 years ago

I needed a laugh this morning. This gave me several, one of which was “I am already drinking kefir and reading my Bible every day” 🙂

7 years ago

The kefir and bible reading sounds like it covers all the bases. Thanks for making me laugh on this rainy morning.

7 years ago

I needed to hear what you wrote to your sister. Maybe that’s why motherhood has been so hard lately….

7 years ago

Same as above; the kefir and Bible reading covering all the bases made me giggle. Most of them touched my heart in some way… on giving delightful and thoughtful gifts, and the lessons life teaches us moms. Wishing a happy day to you!

7 years ago

I would love to hear more about this, especially the last sentence:
“I really believe that the things we most beg God for turn out to be our hardest assignments. Maybe he plants the seeds of our callings in our hearts, and so we ask him for them, and then they are so. much. harder. than we expected. But He is there, and good to us. It’s not hard because we made a wrong choice or arm-twisted him into grudgingly going along with our foolish ideas. It’s hard because it’s his beautiful plan for us, and just what we were made to do.”

No pressure, of course. 🙂

Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading snippets from your life.

7 years ago
Reply to  Shari Zook

Makes perfect sense to me:)

Bertha Nisly
7 years ago

That makes sense. I’ll add this to my basket of things to mull over.

7 years ago

As in, we value most what we need to work hardest for? It works the other way, too- we give more willingly for what we most appreciate. I love the thought that God plants those desires in us… “for it is God who works in us, both to will and to do…” (not an exact quote there, but anyway:)

7 years ago

So the greatest preconception longing followed by the most challenging child…does this mean that this longing was growing in my soul the love and endurance I would need to nurture the child? This is a breathtaking thought that gives purpose and grace for today’s need. Thank you for planting it.

Irene S
7 years ago

Thanks for sharing what you wrote to your sister. She is a special lady and I’m glad she has a sister like you. 🙂

7 years ago

The advice you gave to your sister…❤️ I think I might have to go back and write that down. I really like that perspective.

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