This week

Confession: This week I spoke a greater volume of ridiculous words than I ever intended to. Some of them I cannot recall without a wave of horror. Chances are, if you had an email, text or personal conversation with me this week, I made a fool of myself.

This week I lay on my couch a lot, with back pain.

This week I heard words of folly from a man sought out for his wisdom.

This week I read a horrifying story of epilepsy in a little girl whose mother I love.

This week I got news that a childhood friend passed away from cancer.

This week a voice on the phone said, “I’d rather you heard it from me than from another source…”

This week, the day I planned to spend with my grandma fell through. And the weekend I planned with my sister. And the visit I planned with a close friend and her daughters.

This week I failed a test or two, and I cried.

This week my faith in the goodness of the world is shaken.

But I hear tomorrow starts a new week, isn’t that right? Sunday is coming. God is still good. There will be time with my man, alone on a getaway. There will be time, if I am lucky, to write and write. There will be more small warm arms around my neck, more beautiful music, more blue sky and falling leaves.

I hope for less news.


How was your week?

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9 years ago

This week I spent too much time on Facebook.
This week snow fell and melted and made slush and mud.
This week I talked to God a lot about adolescents and ordinations.

I’m sorry about your back pain, about cancer and epilepsy.
I keep staring at that photo of the leaf in the frosty grass in your header. It’s so lovely.
I wish you a week of good news, words spoken and not regretted, and lots of time to write and write. <3

9 years ago
Reply to  Luci

Thank you, Luci! That’s a beautiful blessing.

9 years ago

Miss you, Sis!

Beth Russo
9 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear this about your week, but yes, a new week is upon us and each new day is fresh. I’m hoping for a better week. They didn’t make up the saying, “When it rains, it pours,” for nothin’. ♥ I’ll be thinking of you…

9 years ago

I love your words of honesty and hope

9 years ago

This week I wrote a letter and I sent it and I don’t know if I will ever get a response?

This week I had a phone conversation where I wanted to climb through the receiver and give the other person a hug, but they are hundreds of miles away.

This week I stayed up until 2:30 in the morning one night, counseling with my husband and another dear person. It was hard, but good.

This week I shouted at my little people one day. My heart felt sick when their little faces fell. Patience is a virtue and something I need more of.

This week I had a meltdown and I cried myself to sleep in the middle of the afternoon.

This week I laughed.

This week I got to share in Youth Club ministry with my faraway sister and it was so much fun.

This week my son’s biological mother called me “Mom” to my son. For the first time.

This week I went to a football game – something I hadn’t done since I was a child and my Dad would take us…French fries and hot chocolate and sweet childhood memories.

This week I planned a day of small surprises for my dear husband who had a birthday. And I baked a cake – and I NEVER bake cakes.

This week, my son slept in till 8:30 two whole mornings. That’s BIG news in this house.

This week, I am both broken and blessed.

9 years ago
Reply to  Renee Shafer

I love this. Thanks so much…

9 years ago

This week I spent one very long day (5 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.) in the process of turning apples to sauce.

This week I was tired. Very tired. After the above day.

This week I woke up to a counter full of sealed jars. And I was happy; fatigue forgotten.

Hope you wake up to a new week with God’s abundant joy.

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