Happy September!

This is for my husband, who has won the game too many months in a row. I have to resort to rather underhanded methods, and I think also that I have the Spirit.

Happy September to all the rest of you as well! May this be the month in which you finally gain dominance over your spouse. That is, unless your spouse also reads this blog; in which case I can only say “Fight it out, children. Fight it out.”

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10 years ago

You go, girl! 😉

10 years ago

“This will all end in tears.” – Marvin

Happy September to you as well, girl!

GrandmaKitty Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  Not The Boss

You guys really crack me up, you know that? 😀

mom coblentz
10 years ago


10 years ago

Oh! ……..I always thought I WAS the boss. You mean, I have to duke that out with him???

GrandmaKitty Brown
10 years ago

Yeah, anyway! Whatever happened to “If Mama ain’t happy…….” ? 😀 😀

Mama Zook
10 years ago

And isn’t the real deal that The Boss has the responsibility to make sure everyone in the house is happy all month? =)

10 years ago

Happy September!

9 years ago

You made me smile–again. And then chuckle–again.

Young girl that I first meet, now grown up–I’m so glad you blog on. Bless you.

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