Chestnut giveaway

Have you ever eaten roasted chestnuts?



I wouldn’t go so far as to call them “creamy and sensuous” as one website did, but they are quite delectable. You have to be okay with a soft nut texture, almost like a boiled peanut. Here’s the basic roasting recipe–of course you can then salt them, or caramelize them, or chop them up for stews and stuffings…

We’ve been harvesting a bounty from under our trees, and have more than we can eat. They’re large, firm, and in perfect condition; no sprays or artificial treatments.


Anyone love chestnuts or want to give them a try?

I’m offering a free tin of them to one of you! Just leave a comment telling me why you want them and I’ll enter you in a random drawing. Unless of course the boiled peanut idea scares everyone else off and you’re the only one who’s into chestnuts! Then you’re automatically the winner; now how simple is that?


Open to US residents only. Drawing closes on Tuesday, November 12, 2013.

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10 years ago

I would love to have them because I love nuts of all kinds, especially ones from a friend’s personal tree, especially if they’re unfamiliar to Oregon. Such as the pecans Coleen from Georgia gave me this summer. Chestnuts from Shari/Pennsylvania would be delightful.

10 years ago

I grew up eating chestnuts from our tree in Virginia. I’d like my children to know what a chestnut tastes like. (They are much more familiar with pecans and boiled peanuts. 🙂

10 years ago

I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a boiled peanut or a chestnut! So I’d love to give it a try. Isn’t it Piglet that eats them? Oh, I guess that’s haycorns. 🙂

10 years ago

Never had them, would love to “taste” them. We all love boiled peanuts except the main man of the house. I am sure he would join the party and at least give us a few word pictures of the taste AND texture.

10 years ago

I would love to taste chestnuts again. Haven’t had any in quite a while.

Dorcas Byler
10 years ago

I love boiled peanuts! I didn’t at first, but they grow on you. Hubby is on this new kick to try things that grow in the wild. This would fit right in!

10 years ago

I would love a tin of them, if for no other reason, than the thought that they HAVE to be better than jack frost nipping at your nose, and folks dressed up like eskimoes.

10 years ago

I’ve never had them, but they sound good! The second picture looks like a little hedgehog. 🙂

10 years ago

I didn’t see the part at the end about leaving a comment if you want to win them, for some reason. I probably wouldn’t get them boiled so I should probably leave them for someone else! (Even though it sounds delicious!)

10 years ago

I would love to have chestnuts! I thoroughly enjoy eating them, and our two trees, well, let’s just say they’re not disease free. Firm, good chestnuts sound a sight better than “full of worms” chestnuts! And I’ve been craving filling with chestnuts for many a year…

10 years ago

Hmm. I don’t believe I have ever had chestnuts and so would like to try them.

10 years ago

I grew up eating chesnuts in Virginia-although I’ve never had them roasted. I and my nut loving family would love to try them.

10 years ago

Oh, yum. I love them. Haven’t tasted them in years and would LOVE to give my family a taste of them.

10 years ago

I have a fascination with chestnuts, sparked by song and story, but I’ve never tried them. I would love the chance to indulge the whimsy.

10 years ago

Oh, this makes me homesick for our city home in Dublin. I’d pick up chestnuts at the park across the road in the fall. I never got around to roasting any, but they made nice fall decorations. (I can’t enter the giveaway b/c I don’t live in the US, but thanks for sharing the bounty with your readers!)

10 years ago

My 3-4th graders (I think you may be acquainted with some of them)just completed the book, The Family Under the Bridge. In the book, Armand buys some roasted chestnuts for the children. So it would be nice to provide the students with an experience that connects them with the characters they’ve met in literature.

10 years ago

Wonder if they taste the same as the chinese kind? Had them there and was not impressed.

10 years ago

I would love some chestnuts to try roasting o’er an open fire. I think I have tasted them once or twice and my adventurous children always love to give new and exotic foods a try.

10 years ago

Sounds good! I’d like to try them. They’re supposedly rich in folic acid which helps your body to produce red blood cells. I’m kinda on the low end so some help would be nice. Ok, so, I really just wanna see what they taste like.

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