Concerning love

To anyone who is worried about whether or not the psycho writer of this blog can be trusted, rest assured. She cannot. However, only in a single five minute period of frivolity has she ever deliberately posed here as someone she is not, say between the hours of 11:17 and 11:22 on a dark Wednesday night, for example.

She is being held in custody, pleads guilty, and says so help her if she ever does it again.

However, she has always wanted to throw a dozen eggs against a brick wall.

You’re in good hands. Relax!

—The Management

Tonight I share links to some snippets I’ve been enjoying: for your edification, amusement, outrage and delight.

I’m working up to something, probably tomorrow: a post on the myth of true love.

Yes, I said the “myth.” I did say “the myth.”



How I Met My Wife

–Writer Jack Winter plays with some English words never used without their opposing prefixes.

My Husband is Not My Soul Mate

—A great blog post shared by one Hannah on her first-year anniversary.

7 Things Every Woman Needs to Know about Relationships

7 Things Every Man Needs to Know about Relationships

–Relevant Magazine

It’s Not About the Nail

A comedy clip on male/female relationships, posted to YouTube by Jason Headley

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11 years ago

I’m trying to figure out which one I’m supposed to be outraged about. 😉 Maybe the “It’s not about the nail”, but it’s all too true at times. I saw a lot of negative comments about “My husband is not my soul-mate”, and wondered your take on it. I like how she definitely makes loving a choice, rather than something you fall into and out of, but I was wondering if she makes the case unbiblically. She mentioned in a comment that “he is not my other half” (because of the insinuation that you are only half a person without a husband). Another commenter said that we ARE only half after getting married– that is biblical. Very interesting. Wondering on your take on “true love” and whether my little bro had to have been “the only one for you”. 🙂

Btw, I personally think “you guys were made for each other”. A match made in heaven. 🙂

11 years ago

I’m not really sure about the “my husband is not my soul mate”. It almost made me cringe. Especially, when she said things about writing letters to your future husband because I did that and when I read those letters to him it was a very tender time. Course I wasn’t 14 when I wrote them maybe that’s why lol. While it’s true you have to make a choice to love your husband or wife every day, I reject the notion that God did not specifically plan for Justin and I to be together. He has a plan for every aspect of our live not 😉 Personally she seems a little stoic and unromantic which makes the romantic, dreamy in me cringe 🙂 So where are you with this blog… I’m really curious 😉

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