A question of food

Speaking of food, here’s a question I’ve been mulling a lot lately:

What do you think Paul meant when he said “Eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience”? (1 Cor. 10:27; read it here)

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Alvin S
11 years ago

As I recall, that verse was addressed to a church in a culture where it was very common for food from the marketplace to be offered to, or blessed in the name of, a god or gods (idols).

I understand that Paul was inviting Christians to simply partake of what what was offered to them by others, without making a big deal of whether it had been blessed/sanctified by idols.

‘Cuz when you know the real God, those other guys don’t matter much.

11 years ago

Excellent! Go to the head of the class.

That answers my first question–what did it mean then? But my friends don’t sacrifice to idols. Does it mean anything today?

11 years ago
Reply to  Shari Zook

this is a great line “‘Cuz when you know the real God, those other guys don’t matter much.” and could apply to more than false gods in the traditional sense of idols. i can eat food that was offered to the god of perfectionism or the god of convenience etc. It’s what i do with that food or other substance, who i give honor and thanks to for providing it, that matters, not who someone else dedicated the food to.

this verse in its original intent still provides direction to certain needy individuals today. I for one am really glad that passage is in the Bible. Because of Paul’s plain teaching on this subject – i could nonchalantly eat potluck food that was blessed by my herbal, Cherokee teacher, complete with a small plate taken outside as a spirit offering, without violating my conscience or dishonoring God. As he addressed his prayer to the creator, I prayed that he would learn to know Jesus the Creator.

Mom Coblentz
11 years ago

Cuz when you know the real God, those other guys don’t matter much.

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