Confession: After I wrote about kids’ gifts, Claudia commented “Now what to buy our husbands…..?”
So I made a flowchart to tackle that conundrum. Sorry I’m not more help. Click to view full size.
To all of you, a merry Christmas Adam, which is what Kelly calls the day before Christmas Eve…
And a Merry Christmas, from our family to yours.
You could also ask, “Is he a reader?”
I like your creative solutions!
Lovely pic of your family. Merry Christmas!
That is the most amusing flow chart ever! “Turn him into a hunter!” LOL Merry Christmas!
Love it!
Enjoyed the picture!:)
Blessings to you and your family! (I was sorry to hear that news about your mom having cancer!)
There should be a place in there for an Amazon gift card. Truly the cure-all gift for the times we live in.
Thanks for the good laugh!!! The flow chart took me to the far right side. Thankfully surprises aren’t really his thing because your surprise options….well……never mind.
You should’ve added the option “give him something that you want”

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!
ahahaha! I may have just emailed this link to all my sisters and mom.
And a mechanic could always use a trouble light if the one he is having you hold for him while he works on taking the dash apart in his truck has at least five places where it is duct taped, and one piece is against the light bulb itself and is putting off a very bad smoke stink, and another is on the handle where it is leaving black sticky stuff on your thumb!!
I loved your flow chart!
Thanks for trying.
You all are the family with the million dollar smiles ~ I love that picture. Merry Christmas to the Zooks from the Russos! ♥
That flow chart. That flow chart. Still laughing!
NOthing. Buy him nothing. Make a dinner and dress nicely. That should do the trick.