Learning to talk less, say more

Confession: My favorite word in the English language has two letters.

Here it is:


It’s a beautiful word. An empowering word. A useful word. A word in motion.

(What are we going to do next?)


It’s a word of anticipation and desire, the one I use when I’m starting on a lovely project.


The sun is shining, the frosting is ready, the birthday is tomorrow.

(Let’s go!)


It’s my favorite word for introducing my latest loco brain concoctions.


Ryan braces himself.

(I have this idea…)


It’s a word of spiritual transformation.


(Given this new way of thinking, what changes am I going to make?)


It’s a Monday word. A start-of-a-fresh-week word. A grab-your-planner-and-start-writing word.


(What can I tackle? What will I cook? What divine appointments are planned for me?)



It doubles as a very helpful space-filler while you’re waiting for other words to come to mind. The Red Queen to Alice: “Curtsey while you’re thinking what to say. It saves time.”


It’s good for this too—when you want to invite confidences from someone you love, all you have to do is sit down beside them and say


If you say it in just the right way and if the stars are properly aligned (they usually are), that’s all it takes. They were waiting for this opportunity: someone who cares, and asks.

(What’s big for you?)


And it’s a word I use with Jesus.


(You already know everything about me, and I’ve been waiting for this time with you.)


Words are one of His best gifts, and sometimes the short ones say more than the long ones.

What’s your favorite?

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Mom Coblentz
12 years ago

So…….how do you come up with all these brilliant, interesting blogs? And the pix from Spring 2…lovely people, these grandchildren of mine, even down to their toes.

12 years ago

Sew…sorry but this word is just not all that you make it out to be dear lady. BUT…I would SO love to get together again….so….when does it suit? Love you.

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