Children’s Book Release!

We interrupt this blogging hiatus to share two matters of interest.

First, we are not missing blogging yet. At least not enough. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Second, we have given birth to a second book, a children’s picture book to be exact, in collaboration with the talented Lana Kuhns, who painted the images. This particular infant of ours has been in the making for a number of years (we will draw a curtain of charity over exactly what number; suffice it to say no pregnancy should last that long) and has come to fruition now, at the turning of the tide.

What tide remains to be seen.

Our story showcases a little boy flushed with anger, a child whose life has been disrupted too many times to count and who wants the world to pay for it, though he doesn’t have the words to say so.

But boy howdy, he has the behaviors.

Who will love him for who he is?

And what if who he is keeps changing?

There are several ways to get your hands on a copy of .

  1. You may buy a copy directly from me (in Meadville, PA) or Lana (in Middlefield, OH), if we are so lucky as to have you for our local friends. Direct price is $11. Hand-to-hand sales like this will be the most economical option for you as well as the most profitable for us. Just drop us an email, a text, or a Facebook message to arrange a pick up time. However, we do not ship. Sorry.
  2. Bubby and the Changing Place is being handled, marketed, and shipped by Christian Learning Resource (CLR) for out-of-area shoppers. You can buy it online . Or by phone, at 814-789-4769 – just ask for item #4949. As a small bookstore, they charge shipping, which I think amounts to about $4. Please don’t let that scare you.
  3. If you really hate paying for shipping, you have a third option. Find a bookstore near you that you think should carry Bubby on its shelves. Have them reach out to CLR (by website or phone) for wholesale pricing, and after a couple of weeks, go buy a copy from your local bookstore. See? Options.
  4. And last but not least, circling back around to option one, come to a book signing hosted by Lana or I. I have some plans in the works. Stay tuned.

The little boy who stars in this book is entirely fictional, as evidenced by the fact that he occasionally turns into a raging red splotch. But a) he is in foster care, b) he reminds me of a few boys I’ve known, and c) for these reasons and several others, he is very dear to my heart.

When he enters your home, make a little room for him, okay?

His story makes the people I love best get teary at the end. I think that’s a win.

We hope you will like him too.



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1 year ago

Hi Shari this sounds really worthwhile! May I share your post on an adoption email group I am a part of? Thanks! Faith Hursh

1 year ago
Reply to  Faith

Absolutely! Share away. ???? Thank you so much.

Lucinda Kinsinger
1 year ago

Wow this is really exciting! Congratulations!

1 year ago

Definitely a book I want to get my hands on! Way to go Sherri!

Kim Z
1 year ago

Shari!!!! Congratulations! I’m super proud of you! ❤️ Can’t wait to get my hands on a book. I love kids books.

1 year ago

How exciting! I look forward to reading it.
I know it’s bad manners to change the subject here, but I’m bummed that you’re still enjoying your hiatus. I miss my Shari fix. It’s okay though. To everything (turn, turn,) there is a season….

1 year ago
Reply to  Cheryl

It’s not bad manners.
Thank you, Cheryl. ❤️
I miss many parts of it too.

1 year ago

Even this made me teary by the end. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.❤️

1 year ago

Thank you all! 🙂 I appreciate your congrats and warm wishes.

1 year ago

I’ve missed you in your hiatus! I would also love to get my hands on this book? Any Canadian purchasing options that you know of?

1 year ago
Reply to  Trina

I don’t know of any yet… Let me ask CLR what bookstore contacts they have!

1 year ago
Reply to  Trina

Hi again, Trina… I just checked. Do you know Living Waters? I understand they are close to the Kitchener Waterloo area, but also distribute to bookstores in various places over Canada. They order from CLR pretty regularly, and were notified of the new release. I would ask them about it! I’m hoping they will carry it soon.

1 year ago
Reply to  Shari

Thank you, Shari! I will have to check that out. I am in Alberta but we are planning a trip to ON this summer so maybe I could get it then!

doris martin
1 year ago

definitely looks like a must read! will u be bringing some along to your topic @ Hinkletown ?

1 year ago
Reply to  doris martin

Sure, I can do that. 🙂

1 year ago

A friend of mine was just at FB winter term and she bought the book for me. I made me tear up. I can’t wait to sit and read it with our 9 and 7 year old. They have been in our home for 1 year and we are their 3rd foster home.

1 year ago

Shari- I miss your blogging, but bless you wherever the road turns. And as someone who has worked with many traumatized children, I can’t wait to read this!

Growing in Grace
1 year ago

I enjoyed listening to your talk on Tuesday night, Shari! It was so timely for me.

I work at Living Waters and we are stocking your new book!???? I am excited to read it. We ship all across North America…so anyone needing another ship option visit

Blessings on your continued sabbatical from blogging and to your writing. I wonder if you’re pregnant with another book?????

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