
who can take its measurement? who fill it up?

who would think

when all the toys are boxed

the treasures of one person in a many-person household

one person

down to the last shoelace

the blue jeans, size six

the shirts with dinosaurs and cars

the little folded socks

the bicycle –

when all is found and packed and sent along to his people

the last hugs given quickly

with smiles

in the winter rain –

who would think

the hole left behind in this busy, noisy place

could be so big?

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Mom Coblentz
4 years ago

Tears! ????????

Sharon Yoder
4 years ago
Reply to  Mom Coblentz

Your loss has become someone else’s gain. Hugs.

4 years ago

So sad. Almost like a death. I bless you for the heart of love that braves that pain. Know nothing is truly lost. God give you grace. ????????????????

4 years ago


4 years ago

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. You are a candle to this child. He will not forget you. He will continue to need your light. And you, my dear friend, shine so brightly.

Kaylin Landis
4 years ago

So big…..

Regina S
4 years ago


Rosanna King
4 years ago

reminds me of Jason Gray’s song – Death Without a Funeral

Kim Z
4 years ago

Hugs! I admire you’re bravery! Love you, sis!

Priscilla F.
4 years ago
Reply to  Kim Z

Lifting you and yours, and him and his, to the One Who knew us from before the beginning, and promises to keep us to the end.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Aww ❤️❤️❤️ Your heart is so big sis!

4 years ago


Joanna Yoder
4 years ago
Reply to  Steph

May the love and stability you gave him, hold him together in his new home. May he be treasured and understood there. May you find peace and healing in the assurance that you have done what you could do. And may God hold you all in the palm of His hand.

4 years ago

I know this pain. ????

4 years ago

Huge, all- consuming emptiness…

4 years ago

Oh, Shari!❤????

Amber Phillips
4 years ago

Love this!

4 years ago

Love you!! Prayers & hugs

4 years ago

This makes me ache for you. ????

Lynelle Martin
4 years ago

So sorry! We know what that feels like! A very painful hole! Blessings through this time!

Wendy Zook
4 years ago

So sorry! Much love!

4 years ago

A hole so big n wide, you trip over it multiple times a day! So sorry for your loss!!! But greatful that a little boy soul had days n weeks n months of soaking up love, and good and God! It will indeed be something he will never forget. Blessings to you and each of your family in your adjustments to another new normal. Love

4 years ago

thinking and praying for you all so much these days.

4 years ago

On Sunday, Ryan asked for prayer for your family. It made me cry. You love so large but it hurts so much.

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