Unsocial updates

All last week, I ran
from thing to thing
and thing to thing.

These are the social media posts
I drafted and redrafted
in my head
and never shared.

⇒ I bought these tomatoes at my nephew’s garage sale, 5 cents a bag. What a kiddo. He is not yet six years old, but already he combines the talents of patient gardener and generous entrepreneur.

⇒ Today’s production fueled entirely by caffeine, percussion, and the babysitting services of a dear friend.

⇒ There’s just something about little girls and kitties.

⇒ “Jenny, may I read you a story?” #bigbrotheraward

⇒ I love sunlight on herbs. And my sister-in-law grows basil like I’ve never seen. How?

⇒ When notes come home from the teacher of the first and second grade classroom, they come watercolored and personal. I would love to be classy like this. #ohmy

⇒ Today, a friend and I spent time volunteering at school for Grant Wood lookalike art. This is the art that happened afterward, when we (okay, she) washed out paint palettes in bulk. #ohmy #ohmy

⇒ We didn’t plant any potatoes in our garden this year, but we harvested a good fifteen pounds’ worth of volunteers. As I cut one up for dinner, I thought: what kind of bug chews a hole straight as an arrow from one side of the potato to the other?


If you were to hashtag part of your day, what tag would you apply?

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5 years ago

#it’sbeenagoodday #butineedmorecoffee #makethaticed #thankyouverymuch
and #iloveseeingwhatShariwillcomeupwithnext 🙂

Regina S
5 years ago

#Ilovesharisphotos #hotteainchinacup #idonthavesocialmediaotherthanmyblog
#alwayswantedtohashtagsomething #goingonmysecondcupofcoffee #probablydoinghashtagthingallwrong #lol

Mama Zook
5 years ago


Mama Zook
5 years ago


5 years ago

#ilovehashtags #idratherbeinbed

5 years ago


5 years ago


Wanna B. Writer
5 years ago

#Sothereareotherpeoplewhodraftsocialmediapoststhatneverhappen ????

5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago

You guys are too fun. Thank you for making me smile. ❤️

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