Confession: I am slightly embarrassed. And extremely grateful.
Today my son brought home a package he’d found in his locker at school.
Inside the wrappings and quirky box and fun tissue paper
was this.
It’s made by my favorite potter (Alison Hershberger of White Hill Pottery), just like the one I smashed, and it’s large and perfect and shockingly beautiful.
I knew God was in the business of giving undeserved gifts, but apparently one of my local blog readers is too. I don’t know who you are—your careful typing left little chance of that—but I am so grateful. I will cherish this mog until smash do us part.
Thank you!
Aww – now that is the hands & feet of Jesus! I love being a part of community!
Beautiful! I am another pg mom who has had answered prayers/God gifts recently. God CARES about our fragileness and “gently leads those with young.” Blessings to you today!
p.s. I nearly cried when I saw the pic of your broken mug.
You have no idea how happy I am that this happened!! I have been on both ends…..newly wed and a friend put $ in my mailbox so I could buy my much-longed-after piano, for instance, and other times where God gave me opportunity to be the giver. It’s an adrenaline rush for me to see tangible evidence of an invisible God, working in our lives in the details!
That’s amazing! As Carla says, “God SEES.”
That is redemption! Wow!
And I’ve heard that we do not live in the time of miracles, but this is another of His sweet miracles!! Not every one sees or is able to identify them, but they are happening all around us!!