Pioneer patty pies
After the pies are baked, they pop right out – like mini springform pans without the spring. They are the cutest ever.
Pioneer patty pies Read More »
After the pies are baked, they pop right out – like mini springform pans without the spring. They are the cutest ever.
Pioneer patty pies Read More »
August 17, 2017 She showed up beside by my bed at three a.m. “Mommy,” she said, “I am having great pain.” That is an odd phrase, I thought. And I got up and asked questions and chose her some medicine, and scooted over to make space for her in the bed. She slept with me
Confession: When my phone rang at 5:44 Monday morning, I thought it was the alarm, and groggily I punched around on its face a few times until it finally stopped. That is how I sent a text template to Faith Builders Christian School (calling to inform parents of a two-hour delay), saying Sorry, I’m busy.
It seems that posting even twice a week will be over my head at times. I will write when I can. “Just enough to stay sane,” a wise friend told me, and I will be taking her advice. It will help if both you and I forget about my little Mondays and Fridays idea. Pretend
Confession: My daughter got a pet mouse for Christmas. She’d been begging for one for months. I said “Honey, are you sure you don’t want a dolly?” No, she was sure. A live mouse that she could keep and hold in her hand. Deep breath from Mommy. Already then. We bought his cage and food
We had a lot of drama this summer. You wouldn’t think it, since the walls are still standing and the sunlight is slanting gently down on the goats’ pen. But we did, in our small way. Once in our yard we found an unfortunate starling—as Dickens would say, dead as a doornail. We trust he
The mayhem and the macabre Read More »
Confession: I was up so late last night, three hundred and forty-two miles from home, that my brain is buzzing and my husband said to me “Are our phones goofing up? You sent me a text that apparently came in at x:xx. Were you really texting at that hour?” And I said “Yes.” In the strictest sense
My little girl just turned four years old. This sends cold shivers through me. I wonder if it’s the beginning of the end, and if we will ever again be as close as we are now, and what I should be teaching her about femininity that I haven’t learned yet myself. So because I do
High heeled shoe cupcakes Read More »
From buttercream to radiant gold their cups tip up to catch the sun and spill out hope and healing for a tired world. Mommy, I picked some sunflowers for you…”
Confession: Some days the trivial is infuriating, and some days it brings the most satisfaction. Or humor. Or sheer joy. *** Did you know that it is possible for a woman to trim three heads of hair and 80 nails in approximately one hour? *** My little magnolia tree—the five-inch infant that got hit with
Enchanting trivia (or not…) Read More »